show licenses

show licenses


Displays current software license level and feature packs enabled on your switches.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or variables.



Usage Guidelines

The command displays information on the software license level and feature packs enabled on the switch, including the trial license and days left to expiry.

To see the license information on a SummitStack node, run the command while logged into that node.



Refer to the specific chapter of the ExtremeXOS User Guide that discusses each feature to determine if a license is required for some functionality. If not noted, all functionality is available, and license is not required.


The following command displays the license level configuration:

show licenses

On a SummitStack, the output from this command looks similar to the following:

Slot-3 Stack.12 > show licenses
Enabled License Level:
Advanced Edge
Enabled Feature Packs:
Effective License Level:Edge
The show output also includes the current status of the non-Extreme optical device license:
# show license 
Enabled License Level:       
        Advanced Core
Enabled Feature Packs:        
        MPLS ServiceProviderEdge  3rdPartyOptics


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.1.

The information on enabled feature packs was added in ExtremeXOS 11.4.

The information on the trial licenses was added in ExtremeXOS 11.6.

The show output was updated to include the current status of the non-Extreme optical device license in ExtremeXOS 15.4.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all platforms.