
Network Tools

Menu path: Tools > Network Tools.

The following network tools are available:


The ping command sends ICMP echo request to a network hosts. The host can be expressed as an IP address or resolvable site name. The number of pings can be selected as unlimited or limited. Press the START button to start pinging, and STOP to end the pings. The ping command is fully documented at: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/ping.8.html.

Ping tool


The netstat command is used to show different types of connections to and from A3, interface information, port information, and routing details. The options available are:

Press the START button to start netstat, and STOP to prematurely end the display. The netstat command is fully documented at: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/netstat.8.html.

Netstat tool

Process State

The ps (process state) command is used to show a snapshot of the processes running on A3. The options available are:

Press the START button to start ps, and STOP to prematurely end the display. The ps command is fully documented at: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ps.1.html.

PS tool

IP Configuration

The IP configuration command (ifconfig and NetworkManager) display the IP address and network mask for every interface as well as DNS configuration information. The options available are:

Press the START button to start the tool, and STOP to prematurely end the display. The ifconfig command is fully documented at: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/ifconfig.8.html and NetworkManager is described at: https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/NetworkManager.html.

IPconfig tool

NTP Status

The NTP Status tool extracts and displays information related to the Network Time Protocol used for time synchronization between hosts. The options available are:

Press the START button to start the tool, and STOP to prematurely end the display.

NTP tool


The traceroute command is used display the path and delays of packets across an IP network. The host to trace to can be expressed as an IP address or resolvable site name. Press the START button to start the tool, and STOP to end the operation. The traceroute command is fully documented at: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/traceroute.8.html.

Traceroute tool


The SMTP command is used to test A3's email configuration which was defined in Alerting (the SMTP Configuration link at the bottom of the page will bring up that configuration page). Enter a valid email address into the field. Press the START button to start the tool, and STOP to end the operation.

SMMP tool


The SSH tool enables secure access to an A3 server. The service is disabled by default and must be enabled for a time period, after which it will be automatically disabled. Login credentials are required as well.

A separate SSH tool can then be used to access the A3 server.


Monit is a utility for managing and monitoring A3 processes, files, directories and file systems. warning messages are sent to a list of administrators; the Sender, Recipients, and SMTP server must all be in the same domain so as to ensure delivery. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful actions in error situations. Monit must be individually enabled on each node of a cluster.

Monit is automatically disabled during an upgrade and will need to be manually re-enabled after the upgrade completes. The controls for this feature are shown below.

Field Usage Example
Enable Monit Use the slider to enable or disable the monitoring function. on slider
Recipients A list of email addresses of administrators who will receive messages concerning events. Each of the email addresses must be in the same domain as the Email server. admin@company.com
Sender The email address of the sender in the emails. The email addresses must be in the same domain as the Email server. A3monitor@company.com
Subject Prefix Text that will be inserted into the subject line of the message. A particular server name can be helpful in a cluster. Server1
Configuration(s) The choices of what will be monitored:
  • A3 - all A3 operation.
  • active-active - active-active cluster related services
  • os-winbind - the OS winbindd process, used when winbind/samba configuration is made outside of A3
  • os-checks - OS best practices checks
All options
Email server The SMTP server used to send the messages. smtp.company.com

Copyright © 2021 Extreme Networks. All rights reserved. Published April 2021.