
Azure AD

Menu path: Configuration > Policies and Access Control > Authentication Sources > Internal > Azure AD.

This form of authentication uses an Azure Active Directory domain controller. The Azure AD interface must have been previously registered. The registration process and setup of an Azure AD realm is covered in the A3 Installation and Usage Guide. The fields in an Azure AD definition are:

Field Name Usage Example
Name The name of the authentication source. CorpAZAD
Description Optional description of the source. Corporate Azure AD authentication
Client ID This field is called the Application (client) ID during the Azure AD process.
Client secret This field is called the Client secret during the Azure AD registration process.
Tenant ID This field is called the Directory (tenant) ID during the Azure AD registration process.
Timeout The timeout, in seconds, for a response from HTTP requests sent to the Azure AD. 10
Associated Realms The realms associated with the Azure AD authentication source. Realms are discussed in Domains and Realms. default,null
User Groups Cache The amount of time, in seconds, that an authenticated user's groups should be cached. A value of zero disables the cache. 0
Authentication Rules Indicates when the authentication is triggered and the actions to be performed when the authentication is satisfied. Authentication rules are covered in detail in Authentication Rules.
Administration Rules Indicates the administrative actions to be performed when the authentication is satisfied. Administration rules are covered in detail in Administration Rules.


When advised to restart any A3 service, the administrative interface for each cluster member must be used individually to perform the operation. Perform the operation on each member one at a time, waiting for the service(s) to completely restart.

Copyright © 2022 (your brand here) Published May 2022.