Rule Settings

Configure the following Access Control Rule settings and select Save.

Associate rules to a group type. Configure groups under Access Control > Groups.

Table 1. Access Control Rule Settings
Field Description
Name Rule name. You cannot change the name of default rules that are provided with ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.
Rule Enabled Indicates if the rule is enabled. You cannot disable default rules that are provided with ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.
  • If you select Any, then the criteria is ignored during the rule match process.
  • If you select the Invert check box, it is considered a rule match if the end-system does not match the selected value.
User-Group The user group that you configured. Users in this group are affected by the rule.

User groups limit a user‘s access based on the LDAP, RADIUS, or Username group to which they are assigned.

End-System Group The end-system group that you configured that is affected by the rule.

End-systems that do not match any of the listed rules are assigned the Default Catchall rule.

Device Type Group The device type group that you configured that is affected by the rule.
Location Group The location group that you configured that is affected by the rule.
Policy Associate a policy role with the Access Control Rule. The access control action is defined in the policy rule. Select from the drop-down list. For more information, see Preconfigured Policy Roles.
Portal Associate a captive portal with a rule.