
Q: How do I know whether a device has an ExtremeCloud IQ Pilot license, a Navigator license, a Legacy Entitlement Key, or no license?

A: In ExtremeCloud IQ, navigate to Manage > Devices. The Device License table column indicates which license is used by each device. If this column does not appear in your table, use the column picker to add it to the displayed columns. Column values are:

Use Filter > License > Device License to determine the quantities of each value.

Q: How do I determine which devices have CoPilot licenses?

A: In ExtremeCloud IQ, navigate to Manage > Devices. The CoPilot column indicates devices that have CoPilot licenses as either Active, or None.

The following license status values can apply to CoPilot-eligible devices:


This status appears for the following reasons:

  • CoPilot is not enabled for the VIQ.

  • The device is not CoPilot compatible.

  • The device is unmanaged.

  • An administrator revoked the license.


The CoPilot license is in use (consumed).

Grace Period

The CoPilot license is expired and the device is using the grace period.


The CoPilot license and the grace period are expired.


CoPilot is enabled for the trial VIQ (90 days).

If the CoPilot column does not appear in the table, use the column picker to add it. Use the Filter > License > CoPilot option to determine the quantity.

Q: How do I check which devices use MACsec or Premier switch licenses?

A: In ExtremeCloud IQ, navigate to Manage > Devices. The Feature License column value indicates whether the switch uses a MACsec, Premier, or both licenses. If this column does not appear in your table, use the column picker to add it to the displayed columns. Values are:

Q: How do I know which licenses are in the license pool?

A: Log in to the Extreme Portal and navigate to Assets > Cloud Licenses Home.

The table contains all licenses in the license pool. The identifier of the license pool is called CUID (Customer Unique Identifier). Ensure that your ExtremeCloud IQ account is linked to the same license pool at ExtremeCloud IQ > Global Settings > Administration > VIQ Management. If the CUID in the Extreme Portal matches the CUID in ExtremeCloud IQ, your ExtremeCloud IQ account is linked to the same license portal.

Licenses compatible with ExtremeCloud IQ in the license pool appear in ExtremeCloud IQ > Global Settings > Administration > License Management > Entitlements.

Q: How do I know how many licenses are available to use, and how many are activated?

A: There are three ways to do this:

Q: The licensing information that I see in ExtremeCloud IQ does not reflect reality. How do I refresh cached licensing information?

A: The license information in Global Settings > Administration > License Management > Entitlements table is cached. The refresh interval depends on the location of your ExtremeCloud IQ account. To update the cached information from the license pool on the License Information page, select Synchronize.

Alternately, you can unlink from and relink to the Extreme Portal using your Extreme Portal credentials.

Q: How do I realign an ExtremeCloud IQ Navigator license?

A: If there are not enough ExtremeCloud IQ Navigator licenses in the license pool, an ExtremeCloud IQ Pilot license can be used instead. When ExtremeCloud IQ Navigator licenses become available for example, if more licenses were purchased, or a device that was using an ExtremeCloud IQ Navigator license was deleted, the realignment is not automatic. To release the device license and acquire an available license, use the following procedure:

  1. Navigate to Manage > Devices.
  2. Select the check boxes for devices to which you want to reassign licenses.
  3. Select Actions > Change Management Status > Unmanage Devices.
  4. Select Actions > Change Management Status > Manage Devices

Q: What do I need to know about unmanaged devices?

A: Remember the following points about unmanaged devices: