Configure Classification Rules for a Device Template

Before you can add classification rules to a network policy, you must add a default AP device template and a location for the target AP. Also, create cloud config groups, IP addresses, and IP subnets.

You can create classification rules as part of a network policy or as a common object. Use this task to create classification rules associated with a network policy. ExtremeCloud IQ supports multiple classification rules for DNS servers, VLANs, RADIUS servers, device templates, user groups, and private client groups (PCGs).

  • Configure Device Location rules to assign different DNS and RADIUS servers, and different time zones to different physical locations.
  • Configure Cloud Config Groups (CCGs) to create user passwords which restrict access to private and personal network devices.
  • Configure IP Address classification rules to associate user groups so they can communicate using their own private networks.
  • Configure IP Subnet classification rules to support multiple user-group private networks.
  • Configure IP Range classification rules for multiple user-group private networks.

This task is part of the network policy configuration workflow. Use this task to configure classification rules for a device template, as part of a network policy.

  1. Go to Configure > Network Policies.
  2. Select an existing policy, and then select Edit, or select Add.
  3. After you save the Policy Details, select NEXT or 2 Wireless.
  4. From the Configuration Settings menu, select AP Template.
  5. From the Select menu, select the desired default template.

    Default templates apply to all of the devices of the selected template type, which do not have a matching classification rule.

  6. Select Add, and then select the desired device template.

    Classification rules templates apply only to the devices of the selected template type that match the rules.

  7. Type the new Template Name.
  8. Select SAVE TEMPLATE.
    The new template appears in the table, in the main AP template window. The Classification Rules column for the template contains the controls for configuring classification rules.
  9. To assign an existing classification rule, in the Classification Rules column, select Select a classification rule,.
    1. Select an existing classification rule.
    2. Select Link.
  10. To create and assign a new classification rule, in the Classification Rules column, select Add a classification rule,.
    1. Type a Name for the rule.
    2. Type a Description.
      Although optional, entering a description is helpful for troubleshooting and for identifying the rule.
    3. Select Add, and then select the rule type to configure.

      Choose from the following rule types:

      Table 1. Rule types
      Selected rule type Do this
      Device Location
      1. Drill down until you reach the location level at which the device resides.
      2. Select Select.

      The location appears in the Classification Rules table.

      Cloud Config Group
      1. Select the Match Type.
      2. Select an existing group from the Select menu, or select Add.

        For more information, see Add a Cloud Config Group.

      3. Select CLOUD CONFIG GROUP.
      4. Select CONTINUE.
      IP Address
      1. From the Match Type menu, select Contains or Does Not Contain.
      2. Select Add, or select an existing IP address from the Select menu.

        If you do not see the IP address that you want, select New to create a new IP address.

      3. Select SAVE IP.
      4. Select CONTINUE.
      IP Subnet
      1. From the Match Type menu, select Contains or Does Not Contain.
      2. Select Add, or select an existing IP subnet from the Select menu.

        If you do not see the IP subnet that you want, select New to create a new IP subnet.

      3. Select SAVE SUBNET.
      4. Select CONTINUE.
      IP Range
      1. From the Match Type menu, select Contains or Does Not Contain.
      2. Select Add, or select an existing IP range from the Select menu.

        If you do not see the IP range that you want, select New to create a new IP range.

      3. Select SAVE IP.
      4. Select CONTINUE.
  11. Use the up and down arrows in the Order column to define the order in which the location, cloud config group, IP address, IP subnet, and IP range objects appear.

    ExtremeCloud‌ IQ uses a top-down, first-match, stop-on-match processing method for these objects. Therefore, if a device is a member of more than one matching object for an element, only the first match applies.

  12. Select SAVE RULE.