Add a Supplemental CLI Object

To use the supplemental CLI tool, go to Global Settings > VIQ Management, and enable Supplemental CLI.

You can save supplemental CLI objects containing CLI commands, and ExtremeCloud IQ can then automatically update them for devices, each time you update the network policy.



  • Limit CLI commands to configuration commands. Exclude Show or other commands used to display information.
  • Do not use supplemental CLI commands to configure any settings set via the ExtremeCloud IQ GUI as that creates a configuration sync conflict that results in future Device Update Failed errors.
  • These commands work as a delta mechanism. Every new supplemental CLI update must only include new commands that you want to run, not ALL commands that you want to have present on the device at start up. Re-running some commands after already applied can cause future Device Update Failed errors.

Use the following task to create CLI objects.

  1. Go to Configure > Common Objects > Basic > Supplemental CLI Objects.
  2. To add a new supplemental CLI object, select Add
  3. Type a Name.
  4. Type an optional Description.
  5. Type the CLI commands.
    • Enter multiple CLI commands, one command per line.
    • Use CLI Commands that contain IP and VLAN objects: ${ip:ip_object_name} and ${vlan:vlan_object_name}.
  6. Select SAVE and perform a configuration update each time you append commands to device configurations.

    To avoid an unnecessary system reboot, select Delta Configuration Update. ExtremeCloud IQ attempts to update only the configuration deltas. If a full update is required, the system prompts you to select Complete Configuration Update. Examples of CLI commands that require a full configuration update are: system antenna-type and system environment.