Configure a User Profile for Traffic Tunneling

Use the following procedure to configure GRE traffic tunneling using Tunnel Concentrator for a user profile.

  1. Log in to ExtremeCloud‌ IQ.
  2. Go to Configure > Network Policies or to Configure > Common Objects > Policy > User Profiles, and either create a new user profile, or select an existing profile to edit.
  3. On the Traffic Tunneling tab, turn on Traffic Tunneling (GRE).
  4. Select an existing profile from the Re-use Tunnel Policy menu, and then select the type of tunneling.
  5. For Tunnel Concentrator, select the Tunnel Destination from the drop-down list.
    You can add a new Tunnel Concentrator service by selecting Add, or select Edit to modify an existing instance. For more information, see Configure Tunnel Concentrator Services.
  6. Select SAVE.