Deploy RadSec Proxies

A RadSec Proxy is only required when the network switch or AP does not support native RadSec. This is specifically applicable to 3rd party devices. Any Extreme Universal switch or ExtremeCloud IQ Access Point supports native RadSec and should be connected in that way as a best practice.

Follow these recommendations:

  • Packaged deployment:

    Recommended OS

    Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04

    VMware OVA

  • Port availability: The following ports need to be allowed outbound from the RadSec proxy:
    • RadSec Port: 2083, 443
  • Minimum hardware requirements: CPU: 2 Ram: 4 GB
This task shows you how to deploy RadSec Proxies to implement secure authentication on non-RadSec protocol compatible devices.
  1. If deploying a RadSec Proxy during onboarding, select the Deploy RadSec Proxy tab.
    If deploying a RadSec Proxy outside of onboarding, select Resources > RadSec Proxy from the navigation pane on the left.
  2. Select Deploy RadSec Proxy.
    1. Read the Guidelines and configure the settings.
      Table 1. RadSec Proxy Configuration Settings
      Field Description
      RadSec Proxy Name Enter at least three alphanumeric characters.
      Associate Site Select an existing site or create one.
      Certificate Rotation Time Enter the number of days until the next rotation.
      Shared Secret You can update the text field with a value between 3 and 32 characters in length. This shared secret will be used with network devices authenticating via RADIUS to the RadSec Proxy.
    2. Select Next.
    3. Select the deployment mode and follow the installation procedure shown.
    4. Read the information and follow the installation procedure for the host machine.
    5. Select Done.
    The new proxy displays in the RadSec Proxy list with the Ready to Install status.
  3. Go to your host machine and perform the installation using the guidelines provided.

Your proxy should come into service after waiting a short period, and display the UP status.

To update an existing RadSec Proxy, select . From this menu you can do the following:
  • Connect Devices
  • Update Now
  • Sync Now
  • Remove