Manage DNS Servers

Use this task to add, update, or remove Domain Name Systems (DNS) servers.

  1. Select Resources > Domain Name Systems.
    The DNS window displays.
  2. Select Add DNS Server and configure the settings.
    Table 1. DNS Configuration Settings
    Field Description
    Server Name Enter at least three alphanumeric characters.
    IP Address Enter an IP address.
    Service Connector Select a service connector from the drop-down list.
  3. Select Add.
    Next, you will see a sequence of screen updates while Universal ZTNA works to bring the DNS server up.
    1. A connectivity test runs.
    2. If the test passes, a confirmation message displays at the top of the window.
    3. Your server displays in the server list.
    4. The Status column displays Activating.
    5. The Status changes to Up when the server is in service.
  4. To update an existing DNS server, select and select Update from the drop-down list.
  5. To remove an existing DNS server, select and select Remove from the drop-down list.


    Before removing a DNS server, you must remove all associations.
Once you have onboarded your resources, go to Applications and Application Groups.