

A MIB row in the bgpIpPreTable could not be deactivated because the route map to which it belongs is a non-exist or advertise map, and this route map has no other active IP prefixes. The attempt to deactivate the MIB row will fail.


This is an internal condition needing technical assistance. Contact technical support with the output of "show tech".



Message Text

Protocol Policy Manager could not modify a MIB row in the bgpIpPreTable because the route-map to which it belongs is an advertise or non-exist map, and has no other active IP prefixes. VR: %p1% Route Map Index: %p2% Route Map Number: %p3% IP Prefix Number: %p4%

Message Parameters

Name Type
p1 uInt32
p2 uInt32
p3 uInt32
p4 uInt32