Used when tent to SPF TENT is added. %pent%: the pointer of tent entry which is added. %hop%: the number of next hops which can reach the destination. %ip%: the IP address of the destination. %mask%: the IP mask of the destination. %cost%: the Type 1 cost of the destination. %cost2%:the Type 2 cost of the destination. %type%: the pent type. %lsai%: the associated pointer of LSAI. %hash%: the hash number of the pent.
None. This is for debugging.
Temporary Path Entry %pent% numHops %hop% %ip%/%mask% cost %cost% cost2 %cost% type %type% lsai %lsai% hashbucket %hash% added.
Name | Type |
pent | Ptr |
hop | uInt |
ip | IPN |
mask | IPmaskvalN |
cost | uInt |
cost2 | uInt |
type | uInt |
lsai | Ptr |
hash | uInt |