clear fdb

clear fdb mac_addr | ports port_list | vlan vlan_name | blackhole| vxlan ipaddress remote_ipaddress vr vr_name virtual-network vn_name


Clears dynamic FDB entries that match the filter.

Syntax Description

mac_addr Specifies a MAC address, using colon-separated bytes.
port_list Specifies one or more ports or slots and ports.
vlan_name Specifies a VLAN name.
blackhole Specifies the blackhole entries.
vxlan Specifies VXLAN.
ipaddress IP address of the remote endpoint.
remote_ipaddress IPv4 address of the remote tunnel endpoint whose associated FDB entries need to be cleared.
vr VR/VRF instance the IPv4 address is configured on.
vr_name An existing VR/VRF name. If not specified, the VR context from where this command is executed is used.
virtual-network MAC addresses associated with a Virtual Overlay Network learning domain.
vn_name Name of virtual network whose associated FDB entries need to be cleared.


All dynamic FDB entries are cleared by default.

Usage Guidelines

To clear FDB entries on a given remote endpoint (added to any virtual network):

clear fdb vxlan ipaddress remote_ipaddress {vr vr_name}

To clear FDB entries on a given remote endpoint added to given virtual network:

clear fdb vxlan ipaddress remote_ipaddress {vr vr_name} virtual-network vn_name

To clear all VXLAN FDB entries (clear all entries learned on the access ports and VXLAN tunnels):

clear fdb vxlan


The following example clears any FDB entries associated with VLAN corporate:

clear fdb vlan corporate


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, and X695 series switches.