show vpls peer l2pt

show {l2vpn} [vpls vpls_name | vpws] vpws_name] {peer ipaddress} l2pt {detail}


Displays the VPLS peer L2PT configuration and status of a service.

Syntax Description

l2vpn Specifies the Layer 2 Virtual Private Network.
vpls Specifies the Virtual Private LAN Service over MPLS.
vpls_name Specifies the VPLS VPN.
vpws Specifies the Virtual Private Wire Service over MPLS.
vpws_name Specifies the VPWS VPN.
peer Specifies the peer.
ipaddress Specifies the IPv4 address.
l2pt Specifies Layer 2 protocol configuration.
detail Specifies to show L2PT configuration and status in detail.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the L2PT configuration and status of a service.


The following is an example of the show vpls peer l2pt command:

# show l2vpn vpls cust1 l2pt
Interface        L2PT Profile Name
---------------  --------------------------------  my_other_l2pt_prof


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 15.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, and X695 series switches.