configure esrp timer premaster

configure esrp esrpDomain timer premaster seconds


Configures the ESRP pre-master timeout value.

Syntax Description

esrpDomain Specifies an ESRP domain name.
seconds Specifies the maximum length of time, in seconds, that the transitioning master VLAN remains in the pre-master state. The range is 6 to 1024.


The default timeout is 6 seconds (three times the hello timer).

Usage Guidelines

The premaster timer specifies how long the ESRP domain stays in the pre-master state. The pre-master timer expires if the neighbor agrees to be the slave. The premaster value must be at least three times the hello timer value. Entering a value outside of that range generates an error message similar to the following:

operation Failed. Valid timer relationship "neighbor timeout >= 3*hello ; neutral timeout >= 2*hello ; premaster timeout >= 3*hello"!

The seconds range is 3*hello-1024.

To view the pre-master timer settings, use the show esrp { {name} | {type [vpls-redundancy | standard]} } command.



Configure the pre-master state timeout only with guidance from Extreme Networks personnel. Misconfiguration can severely degrade the performance of ESRP and your switch.


The following command configures the pre-master timeout to 10 seconds for the ESRP domain esrp1:

configure esrp esrp-1 timer premaster 10


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, and X695 series switches.