Ratio Expression Example

In this example, every two seconds the CLEAR-Flow agent will request the counter1 and counter2 statistics from the hardware.

After it receives the two counter values, it will then check each counter value against its minimum valid threshold, which is 1,000. If both of the counter values is greater than 1,000, it then calculates the ratio of counter1 and counter2. If the ratio is greater than 5, the agent will execute the actions in the then clause, which consists of logging a message to the syslog server. Before logging the syslog string, the agent will replace the $ruleName keyword with the string cflow_ratio_rule_example, the $ruleValue keyword with the calculated ratio value, and the $ruleThreshold keyword with a value of 5. If either of the counter values is below the minimum value of 1,000, or the ratio is below the threshold of 5, the expression is false and no action is taken.

entry acl_rule1 {
if {
protocol udp;
} then {
count counter1;
entry acl_rule2 {
if {
protocol tcp;
} then {
count counter2;
entry cflow_ratio_rule_example  {
if  { ratio counter1 counter2 > 5 ;
period 2;
min-value 1000;
Then {
syslog "Rule $ruleName threshold ratio $ruleValue exceeds limit $ruleThreshold";