Configures the gateway IP and a gateway MAC for an Anycast IP Gateway interface.
ip anycast-gateway {A.B.C.D} [vrid <1-255>]
no ip anycast-gateway gw-ipv4
Specifies the gateway IPv4 address. The gateway IP must be in different subnets for different interfaces, and must be the same on different routers for the same associated Layer 2 VSNs.
Specifies the virtual router ID, which defines the gateway MAC as a VRRP MAC. The gateway MAC must be the same on different routers for the same associated Layer 2 VSN.
If you do not specify the VRID as part of the command, the default value is VRID 39 (hexadecimal 27), which translates to the MAC of 00:00:5e:00:01:27.
VLAN Interface Configuration