Display MKA Participants

About this task

Use the following procedure to display information about all participants in an MKA session. You can also display MKA information for a specific port participating in an MKA session.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. Display information about all participants in an MKA session:

    show macsec mka participant

  3. Optional: Display MKA information for a specific port participating in an MKA session:

    show macsec mka participant {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...][slot/all][all]} [verbose]


The following example displays information for all participants in an MKA session.

Switch:1>show macsec mka participant

                            MACsec MKA Participants
Port     CA              MKA-Profile       MKA          Actor
Id       Name               Name           Enable       Priority
1/3      CA120022        extreme030519     Enabled         A
1/4      CA121023        extreme031519     Enabled         14
2/2      CA122024        extreme032019     Enabled         1E

The following example displays information for a specific port participating in an MKA session.

Switch:1>show macsec mka participant 1/3

                             MACsec MKA Participant
Port     CA              MKA-Profile       MKA          Actor
Id       Name               Name           Enable       Priority
1/3      CA120022        extreme030519     Enabled         A

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show macsec mka participant command.

Variable Value
Identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats:
  • a single slot and port (slot/port)

  • a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port)

  • a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port)

  • all ports on the same slot (slot/all)

  • all ports on the switch (all)

If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.


Displays detailed information for a specific port participating in an MKA session.