Configure IS-IS Multi-area SPB Virtual Node

About this task



As a best practice, use the derived values for the virtual node to avoid misconfiguration between peer boundary nodes. However, you can use this procedure to override the derived values.

The following list describes how the switch derives the virtual node parameters:

  • The switch derives the virtual node nickname from the last 5 nibbles of the manual area address. For example, area ID 49.0001 generates a nickname of 9.00.01.
  • The switch derives the system ID and system name from the nickname. For example, a nickname of 9.00.01 generates system ID 92:00:01:ff:ff:f0.

Perform this procedure to configure the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node parameters like nickname, system ID, and system name in the home or remote area.


  1. Enter either IS-IS Router Configuration or IS-IS Router Remote Configuration mode:


    configure terminal

    router isis or router isis remote

  2. Configure the nickname for the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node:

    area-vnode nick-name <x.xx.xx>

  3. Configure the system name for the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node:

    area-vnode sys-name WORD<0-255>

  4. Configure the system ID for the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node:

    area-vnode system-id xxxx.xxxx.xxxx


Configuring the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node in the home area:

Switch:1#configure terminal
Switch:1(config)#router isis
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode nick-name 0.82.40
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode sys-name SwitchC
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode system-id 1222.3300.0000

Configuring the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node in the remote area:

Switch:1#configure terminal
Switch:1(config)#router isis remote
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode nick-name 0.82.60
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode sys-name SwitchA
Switch:1(config-isis)#area-vnode system-id 1222.3311.2222

What to do next

To verify the configuration, see Display IS-IS Area Virtual Node Configuration.

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the area-vnode command.

Variable Value
nick-name x.xx.xx

Specifies a nickname for the IS-IS SPBM Multi-area SPB instance. The value is 2.5 bytes in the format x.xx.xx.

sys-name WORD<0-255>

Specifies the name of the system.

system-id xxxx.xxxx.xxxx

Specifies the IS-IS Multi-area SPB virtual node system ID.