Configure VLACP on a Port
Perform the following procedure to enable VLACP on a port. VLACP periodically checks the end-to-end condition of a point-to-point connection. You can also configure VLACP Flap Detect and Damping to control link state changes on VLACP ports. By default, VLACP Flap Detect and Damping is disabled on all VLACP ports.

Changes made at the global level override and reset all port level settings.
Before you begin
To configure VLACP Flap Detect and Damping on sub-ports, enable channelization.
As a best practice, to modify an existing VLACP or VLACP Flap Detect and Damping configuration, first disable VLACP on the interface.
About this task
Use the following information to prevent flooding VLACP packets across a defaulted switch:
Use the default MAC address, 01:80:c2:00:11:00, for end-to-end connections that traverse an intermediate network.
Use the reserved multicast MAC address 01-80-c2-00-00-0f for directly-connected, peer-to-peer links.
- On the Device Physical View tab, select a port.
- In the navigation pane, expand .
- Select General.
- Select the VLACP tab.
- Configure the parameters, as required.
- Select Apply.
VLACP Field Descriptions
Use data in the following table to use the VLACP tab.
Name |
Description |
AdminEnable |
Enables VLACP for the port. The default is disabled. |
OperEnable |
Specifies the VLACP operational status for the port. The default is false. |
FastPeriodicTimer |
Specifies the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions using short timeouts. Use the same value for all LACP-enabled ports. The default value is 200. |
SlowPeriodicTimer |
Specifies the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions using long timeouts. Use the same value for all LACP-enabled ports. The default value is 30000. |
Timeout |
Specifies the timeout control value. Specify long or short timeout. The default value is long. |
TimeoutScale |
Assigns the value used to calculate timeout from the periodic time for all VLACP-enabled ports. Timeout = PeriodicTime x TimeoutScale. The default value is 3. |
EtherType |
Specifies the VLACP identification. The ID is in hexadecimal format. The default value is 0x8103. |
EtherMacAddress |
Specifies the multicast MAC address exclusively used for VLACPDUs. The default is 01:80:c2:00:11:00. |
PortState |
Specifies the VLACP port state. |
FlapDetectEnable |
Enables VLACP Flap Detect and Damping on the port. By default, VLACP Flap Detect and Damping is disabled on all ports. |
FlapFrequency |
Specifies the number of VLACP flaps detected on the port. The port is shut down if the recorded flaps are within the configured time interval. The default value is 3. |
FlapInterval |
Specifies the time interval (in seconds) during which the VLACP flaps on the port are monitored. The default value is 60 seconds. |
TotalFlapCount |
Shows the total number of VLACP flaps detected on the port since you enabled VLACP Flap Detect and Damping or cleared the counters and timers. |
FirstFlapTimeStamp |
Shows the timestamp of the first VLACP flap detected on the port since you enabled VLACP Flap Detect and Damping or cleared the counters and timers. |
LastFlapTimeStamp |
Shows the timestamp of the latest VLACP flap detected on the port since you enabled VLACP Flap Detect and Damping or cleared the counters and timers. |
FlapClearStats |
Clears all VLACP Flap Detect and Damping counters and timers. |