Virtualized management applications, such as ping and traceroute, operate using the specified user-created VRF context. If you do not specify the VRF context in the command syntax, ping defaults to the Global Router VRF.
Switch:1(config)#ping vrf vrfRED is alivePing test for IPv6:
Switch:1(config)#ping 2001:db8::1 vrf vrfRED 2001:db8::1 is aliveTraceroute test for IPv4:
Switch:1#traceroute vrf vrfREDTraceroute test for IPv6:
Switch:1#traceroute 2001:db8::1 vrf vrfRED
If you want to ping a device through the out-of-band management port, you must include the mgmt oob command parameters to specify the Segmented Management Instance as the source for the outgoing ICMP ECHO packet. The packet goes out this specific interface only.
If you do not specify the management interface type, the ping command uses the management routing table to determine the best management interface, and selects the source IP based on the egress management interface.
For more information about how to use a Segmented Management Instance with these commands, see Ping an IP Device and Run a Traceroute Test.