show process

show process {name} {detail} {description} {slot slotid}


Displays the status of the ExtremeXOS processes.

Syntax Description

name Specifies the name of the process.
detail Specifies more detailed process information.
description Describes the name of all of the processes or the specified process running on the switch.
slotid Specifies the slot number of a node in a stack topology.: "A" specifies the master and "B" specifies backup.



Usage Guidelines

The ExtremeXOS process manager monitors all of the XOS processes. The process manager also ensures that only version-compatible processes are started.

Using this command without the optional keywords displays summary process information. When you specify the slot keyword, summary information is displayed for that particular slot only.

The show process and show process slot slotid commands display the following information in a tabular format:
  • Process Name—The name of the process.
  • Version—The version number of the process. Options are:
    • Version number—A series of numbers that identify the version number of the process. This is helpful to ensure that you have version-compatible processes and if you experience a problem.
    • Not Started—The process has not been started. This can be caused by not having the appropriate license or for not starting the process.
  • Restart—The number of times the process has been restarted. This number increments by one each time a process stops and restarts.
  • State—The current state of the process. Options are:
    • No License—The process requires a license level that you do not have. For example, you have not upgraded to that license, or the license is not available for your platform.
    • Ready—The process is running.
    • Stopped—The process has been stopped.
  • Start Time—The current start time of the process. Options are:
    • Day/Month/Date/Time/Year—The date and time the process began. When a process terminates and restarts, the start time is also updated.
    • Not Started—The process has not been started. This can be caused by not having the appropriate license or for not starting the process.

When you specify the detail keyword, more specific and detailed process information is displayed.

The show process detail and show process slot slotid commands display the following information in a multi-tabular format:
  • Detailed process information
  • Memory usage configurations
  • Recovery policies
  • Process statistics
  • Resource usage

This status information may be useful for your technical support representative if you have a network problem.

Depending on the software version running on your switch or your switch model, additional or different process information might be displayed.

You may find it useful to capture the process information under normal operating conditions to establish a baseline. By having a baseline, if you experience a problem, you and your technical support representative can more easily identify the problem.

SummitStack Only

When you run the command with out any parameters:
  • From the stack manager or backup node, the stack displays the status of the ExtremeXOS processes running on the master node and the back-up node in the Active Topology.
  • From a standby node, the stack displays the status of the ExtremeXOS processes running on the standby node and the master node in the Active Topology.


The following is sample output from a modular switch using the show process command:

# show process
Card Process Name     Version    Restart   State            Start Time
MSM-A aaa              0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:24 2003
MSM-A acl              0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:25 2003
MSM-A bgp              0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:24 2003
MSM-A cfgmgr          0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:23 2003
MSM-A cli             0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:23 2003
MSM-A devmgr           0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:23 2003
MSM-A dirser           0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:21 2003
MSM-A edp              0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:24 2003
MSM-A ems              0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:23 2003
MSM-A epm              0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:21 2003
MSM-A exacl            0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:23 2003
MSM-A exosmc           0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:23 2003
MSM-A exosq            0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:22 2003
MSM-A exsnoop          0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:23 2003
MSM-A exvlan           0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:22 2003
MSM-A fdb              0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:24 2003
foo_userd              User             0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:25 2003
foo_user1              User             0    Stopped  Sat Dec  6 10:54:26 2003
foo_user2              User             0    Stopped  Sat Dec  6 10:54:27 2003
foo_user3              User             0    Ready    Sat Dec  6 10:54:28 2003

The following is sample output from a Summit switch:

# show process
Process Name     Version  Restart    State             Start Time
aaa         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
acl         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:54 2005
bgp              Not Started 0    No license   Not Started
cfgmgr     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
cli        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
devmgr      0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
dirser      0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:51 2005
dosprotect     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:56 2005
eaps        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:53 2005
edp         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:53 2005
elrp        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:53 2005
ems         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
epm         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:49 2005
esrp        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:53 2005
etmon       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:55 2005
exacl       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:50 2005
exdos       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:50 2005
exfib       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:51 2005
exosmc      0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:50 2005
exosnvram     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:50 2005
exosq       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:50 2005
exsflow     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:51 2005
exsnoop     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:50 2005
exvlan      0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:50 2005
fdb         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
hal         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
lacp        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:53 2005
lldp        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:53 2005
mcmgr       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:54 2005
msgsrv      0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
netLogin     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:55 2005
netTools     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:55 2005
nettx       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:50 2005
nodemgr     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
ospf        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:54 2005
ospfv3           Not Started 0    No license   Not Started
pim         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:54 2005
poe         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:56 2005
polMgr      0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:54 2005
rip         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:54 2005
ripng       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:54 2005
rtmgr       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:53 2005
snmpMaster     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
snmpSubagent     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
stp         0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:53 2005
telnetd     0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:55 2005
tftpd       0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:55 2005
thttpd      0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:55 2005
vlan        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:52 2005
vrrp        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:55 2005
xmld        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:56 2005
foo_userd        User        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:58 2005
foo_user1        User        0    Stopped      Thu Sep  1 17:00:58 2005
foo_user2        User        0    Stopped      Thu Sep  1 17:00:59 2005
foo_user3        User        0    Ready        Thu Sep  1 17:00:59 2005

The following example specifies the process aaa along with the detail keyword:

show process aaa detail

The following is sample output from this command:

# show process aaa detail
Name          PID     Path   Type Link Date                    Build By     Peer
aaa          284    ./aaa    App  Thu Dec 4 13:23:07 PST 2003  release-manager 2
Virtual Router(s):
Start Priority  SchedPolicy  Stack  TTY  CoreSize  Heartbeat  StartSeq
1        0         0         0        0     0           1         1
Memory Usage Configuration:
Memory(KB) Zones: Green Yellow Orange Red
0                  0     0     0     0
Recovery policies
ConnetionLost  Timeout  Start  Restart  Kill  Register  Signal  Hello  Hello Ack
0              0         0     0         0      1       0        0        173199
Memory Zone  Green   Yellow   Orange    Red
Green       0          0        0        0
Start        Stop       Resume        Shutdown          Kill
0             0            0            0                0
Resource Usage:
UserTime SysTime  PageReclaim PageFault Up Since                Up Date  Up Time
2.160000 0.560000    546       966   Sat Dec  6 10:54:24 2003 00/00/04 00:14:02
Thread Name             Pid        Tid      Delay  Timeout Count
tacThread              0          2051       10        0
radiusThread           0          1026       10        1
main                   0          1024       2         1

The following example describes the name of all of the processes running on the switch:

show process description

The following is sample output from this command:

# show process description
Process Name     Description
aaa              Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Server
acl              Access Control List Manager
bfd              IETF Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
bgp              Border Gateway Protocol
brm              Bandwidth Resource Manager
cfgmgr           Configuration Manager
cli              Cli Manager
devmgr           Device Manager
dirser           Directory Services
dosprotect       protects against Denial of Service attacks
dot1ag           IEEE 802.1ag; Connectivity Fault Management
eaps             Ethernet Automatic Protection Switching
edp              Extreme Discovery Protocol
elrp             Extreme Loop Recovery Protocol
elsm             Extreme Link State Monitor
ems              Event Management System server application
epm              Extreme Process Manager
esrp             Extreme Standby Routing Protocol
ethoam           Ethernet OAM
etmon            Traffic monitoring and sampling utility
exacl            Access Control List Module
exdhcpsnoop      DHCP snooping module
exdos            Detection of potential Denial of Service attacks module
exfib            Routing interface to manage missing routes in ASIC
exosipv6         IPv6 Custom Interface Module
exosmc           Multicast Forwarding Module
exosnvram        Interface to non-volatile RAM
exosq            EXOS Queue Module
exsflow          Sflow interface to gather sflow samples
exsnoop          IGMP/MLD Snooping Module
exvlan           Layer 2 configuration module
fdb              Forwarding Data Base Manager
hal              Hardware Abstraction Layer
hclag            Health Check LAG
idMgr            Identity Manager
ipSecurity       IP Security
ipfix            IPFIX Traffic monitoring utility
isis             Intermediate System to Intermediate System Route Protocol
lacp             Link Aggregation Control Protocol
lldp             802.1AB; Station and Media Access Control Connectivity Discover
mcmgr            Multicast Cache Manager
mpls             Multi-Protocol Label Switching
msdp             Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
msgsrv           Message Server
netLogin         Network Login includes MAC, Web-Based and 802.1X authentication
netTools         Network Tools set  includes ping/tracert/bootprelay/dhcp/dns/sn
nettx            Layer 2 forwarding engine module
nodemgr          Fault Tolerance Manager
ospf             Open Shortest Path First Routing Protocol
ospfv3           Open Shortest Path First Routing Protocol for IPv6
pim              Protocol Independent Multicast
poe              Power Over Ethernet Manager
polMgr           Policy Manager
rip              Routing Information Protocol
ripng            Routing Information Protocol for IPv6
rtmgr            Route Table Manager
snmpMaster       Simple Network Management Protocol - Master agent
snmpSubagent     Simple Network Management Protocol - Subagent
stp              Spanning Tree Protocol
synce            Synchronous Ethernet
telnetd          Telnet server
tftpd            Tftp server
thttpd           Web Server
upm              Universal Port Manager
vlan             VLAN Manager - L2 Switching application
vmt              Virtual Machine Tracking
vrrp             Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (RFC 3768)
vsm              Virtual Switch Manager
xmlc             XML Client Manager
xmld             XML server

The following example shows the truncated output for the command on a stack:

Slot-1 stacK.7 # show process
Card   Process Name     Version  Restart    State             Start Time
Slot-1 aaa         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:34 2007
Slot-1 acl         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:39 2007
Slot-1 bgp              Not Started 0    No license   Not Started
Slot-1 brm         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:42 2007
Slot-1 cfgmgr     0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:34 2007
Slot-1 cli        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:34 2007
Slot-1 devmgr      0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:34 2007
Slot-1 dirser      0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:33 2007
Slot-1 dosprotect     0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:41 2007
Slot-1 eaps        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:36 2007
Slot-1 edp         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:36 2007
Slot-1 elrp        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:35 2007
Slot-1 elsm        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:35 2007
Slot-1 ems         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:34 2007
Slot-1 epm         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:30 2007
Slot-1 esrp        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:37 2007
Slot-1 etmon       0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:40 2007
Slot-6 aaa         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:22 2007
Slot-6 acl         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:24 2007
Slot-6 bgp              Not Started 0    No license   Not Started
Slot-6 brm         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:26 2007
Slot-6 cfgmgr     0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:21 2007
Slot-6 cli        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:21 2007
Slot-6 devmgr      0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:21 2007
Slot-6 dirser      0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:20 2007
Slot-6 dosprotect     0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:26 2007
Slot-6 eaps        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:23 2007
Slot-6 edp         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:23 2007
Slot-6 elrp        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:22 2007
Slot-6 elsm        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:22 2007
Slot-6 ems         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:21 2007
Slot-6 epm         0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:19 2007
Slot-6 esrp        0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:23 2007
Slot-6 etmon       0    Ready        Thu Mar  1 11:29:25 2007


This command was first available in an ExtremeXOS 10.1.

The description keyword was added in ExtremeXOS 11.2.

Added in ExtremeXOS 15.7, the Version field will be overloaded to contain “User” if the process is a user created process.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all platforms.