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Router Software version 11.03/Revision 1

                       SITE MANAGER COMPATIBILITY
       Router Version       is managed by          Site Manager version
       v11.03 revision 1 --------------------------> V5.03, V5.03 rev1
Revision 11.03/1 corrects the following problems:
CR 34737: QLLC.
          When you attempt to establish a connection using QLLC and the X.25
          connected device is down for an extended period of time, the router
          continually attempts to open an X.25 VC and QLLC holds onto buffers
          until a bus error occurs. After the bus error occurs, X.25 will not
          attempt to open a VC until X.25 is bounced, or the slot is reset.
CR 35911: OSPF.
          An AS External Route may fail to be installed into a routing table
          if a more specific route with the same address exists. For example,
 would fail to install if
CR 35401: QLLC.
          A buffer leak occurs when an X.25 call is repeatedly made and
          cleared on behalf of QLLC requests to establish a session to a
          remote X.25 site, which clears the X.25 calls as it receives them.
CR 35704: QLLC.
          When a QLLC/X25 end station receives a QUA in response to sending
          out a QDISC, the QLLC/X25 end station may not clear the X.25 call
          upon receipt of the QUA. This causes the QLLC connection not to 
          re-establish because the QLLC router side expected the receiver
          of the QUA to clear the call.
CR 36062: DLSw.
          An orphan buffer may occur when a DLSw connection is terminated.
CR 35798: BGP.
          If you have multiple BGP connections to the same router and the "BGP
          Collision Detect" parameter is set to "Disable," the router drops
          one of the connections and logs a message stating that the
          connection was dropped because one exists.
CR 71767: AppleTalk.
          An AppleTalk interface on an ARE may experience a VBM error when
          aging networks. This occurs in an environment where there are both
          extended and non-extended networks.
CR 71423: QLLC.
          Upon receipt of an X.25 clear call response, the router may not
          clean up the QLLC connection. This causes the QLLC connection to not
          be reestablished.
CR 27053: X.25.
          X.25 service records stop receiving and transmitting traffic under
          congestion situations.
CR 34423: X.25.
          When a router recovers from congestion, it sends an X.25 RNR packet,
          but may fail to generate an X.25 RR packet because it is waiting for
          another part of a fragmented packet.
CR 35428: DLSw.
          When you run NetBIOS over DLSw Version 2.0, a panic may occur in
          dls_utils.c as a result of a race condition when establishing
CR 35649: DVMRP.
   35650: This is an enhancement request to add a log message indicating that
          the state of a DVMRP circuit has changed.
CR 31861: Compression.
          When you run sync passthru over MLPPP with compression, bus errors
          and/or tag violations may occur.
CR 33353: Frame Relay.
          Source route bridging will stop forwarding packets when you
          dynamically change hybrid mode on a frame relay permanent virtual
          circuit (PVC). To correct the condition, you must reset the sync
CR 34298: ARE.
          If you telnet to a circuitless IP address on an ARE and run various
          Technician Interface processes, VBM errors may occur.
CR 35525: DLSw.
          If you boot a router that has DLS Protocol Priority globally enabled
          and there is an ARE in the router, an exception vector-2 MCP may
CR 35571: DLSw.
          A router cannot establish a DLSw session if that router
          has two peers that are terminated on an FDDI port.
CR 27745: DLSw.
   35204: When you reset an IP interface on a DLSw router, a bus error occurs.
CR 32879: IP.
          When you try to configure additional interfaces on a BLN configured
          for Host Only Mode, faults occur in map_rem.c.
CR 35132: DLSw.
          After a router receives an LLC XID frame, the router may not
          transmit a CANUREACH_cs message, which causes the router connections
          not to come up.
CR 33424: BootP.
          If there is not enough space in the vendor field of a BootP request,
          the following message fills up the log:
          2: 09/12/97 14:03:03.410   DEBUG     SLOT  2  BOOTP        Code:  8
          Received request on interface, inserting subnet mask
          Not enough space in vendor field to insert subnet mask
CR 35494: APPN.
          When you transfer an APPN topology from one router to another, the
          topology may not transfer completely.
CR 27324: ISDN.
          This is an enhancement request to allow you to configure the number
          of times a router will attempt to register a SPID (for basic rate
          ISDN) with an ISDN switch.
          The following parameters were added to wfIsdnLocalPhoneNumEntry:
          wfIsdnSpidRetries, wfIsdnSpidRetryAttempts, wfIsdnSpidRetryTimer,
          and wfIsdnSpidResetBri.
CR 34258: IP.
          This is an enhancement request provide the ability to display the 
          total number of IP routes per slot for all slots. Use the command
          "ip routes -O -s#" (where # is the slot number). If you do not enter
          a slot number, all slots are displayed.
CR 35507: PPP.
          If you have two routers connected via leased line and PPP using
          CHAP, and the CHAP timer is set to 0 on one router and to 60 on the
          other, the router with the timer set to 0 (the receiver) leaks
          memory. Eventually, that router runs out of memory and restarts.
CR 35911: OSPF.
          An AS External Route may fail to be installed into a routing table
          if a more specific route with the same address exists. For example,
 would fail to install if
CR 35798: BGP.
          If you have multiple BGP connections to the same router and the "BGP
          Collision Detect" parameter is set to "Disable," the router drops
          one of the connections and logs a message stating that the
          connection was dropped because one exists.
CR 35935: DLSw.
          When you disconnect a token ring interface, a memory leak occurs and
          the router eventually faults.
CR 36062: DLSw.
          An orphan buffer may occur when a DLSw connection is terminated.
CR 28589: BootP.
          If you configure DHCP on a multinetted interface, the last IP
          address configured should become the DHCP gateway. If you reboot the
          router, the last configured IP address is no longer the DHCP
          gateway. Instead, another IP address on that interface becomes the
CR 33566: ISDN PRI.
          When messages are written to the log, an exception vector 3 -
          address error may occur because of a corrupted stack.
CR 33577: IP.
          A condition exists in all revisions of code where IP_BARP will
          consume all buffers on a slot if an external device is trying to
          reach nonexistent but valid host addresses on a subnet.
          A new MIB attribute, wfIpBaseArpBufLimitPrcnt, was added to wfIpBase
          to specify the percentage of total buffers that can be used by
          IP_BARP for buffer saving. To monitor this buffer activity, a new IP
          command, ip arp_buf was added.
CR 33604: IP.
          The router stops forwarding ASB packets out an interface after you
          make a dynamic change to an interface that has the same natural IP
          network configured as that interface.
CR 34753: ANH.
          After you boot an ANH router using ti.cfg, all partition and link
          LEDs remain on, even though the router does not have an ethernet
          interface configured. The lights do not go out until you run
          install and select ethernet as the driver type.
CR 34754: IP.
          A router configured for Dial Optimized Routing ages out RIP routes
          before the broadcast timer expires if the broadcast timer is set to
          24 hours.
CR 34771: DLSw.
          After upgrading from Router Software Release 10.01 to 11.02 or
          greater, some DLS sessions may fail to be established because the
          router may not generate a CANUREACH for every XID Fmt T2
          Poll received. In certain connection sequences, if the resulting
          test poll is not responded to, subsequent CANUREACH messages may not
          be generated although the router receives additional XID T2 Polls.
CR 34908: DECnet
          After you enable a DECnet router on an ethernet VLAN, a VBM error
          occurs on a router that is attached to the ethernet VLAN via ATM.
CR 35156: DECnet.
          If you set the global parameter Route Level to Level 1 (global), the
          router does not advertise itself.
CR 35208: DLSw.
          The performance of packets through llc/qllc topology degrades with
          high traffic.
CR 30029: OSPF.
          When a router receives database description packets from its
          neighbor, bus errors occur when there is a checksum failure at
          EXCHANGE state.
CR 30440: ISDN.
          After you reset an ISDN BRI interface using the Technician
          Interface, SPIDs get rejected.
CR 32169: Spanning Tree.
          The spanning tree algorithm selects the wrong bridge as the root
          bridge if the difference between two bridge IDs is greater than
CR 33030: DVMRP.
          A watch dog timeout may occur when you perform a DVMRP MIB get.
CR 33958: PCAP.
          When using PCAP to capture packets, if a transmitted packet is
          larger than 140 bytes, PCAP will intermittently capture receive data
          before transmit data. If a transmitted packet is larger than 160
          bytes, PCAP will always capture receive data before transmit data.
CR 34322: TCP. 
          TCP retransmit-time-out value (RTO) is set to wfTcpRtoMax regardless
          of actual RTT (even if the actual RTT is short). If wfTcpRtoMax is
          the default (4 minutes), traffic over TCP (for example, DLS)
          suddenly stops for 4 minutes.
CR 34593: DECnet.
          The hello timer on a DECnet interface will fire one second later
          than the configured value.
CR 34596: Switched Services.
          If you bring down a B channel while both B channels are active, and
          then bring it back up, a fault occurs.
CR 34682: LLC.
          LLC2 traffic filter configuration does not work properly when you
          define a specific range for DSAP or SSAP values. The fact that a RIF
          field is present is not taken into account when applying the filter
          to the packet.
CR 34719: IP.
          IP will not install BGP routes when the BGP NEXT_HOP has an
          unnumbered link as its next hop.
CR 34776: ATM.
          An orphan buffer fault may occur in an environment where the ATM
          switch is frequently closing active ATM data virtual circuits.
CR 34959: DLSw
          Remote DLS clients do not reestablish a connection to the host
          after a network disruption.
CR 35172: DVMRP.
          An intermediate router may fail to send a graft when a router on a
          pruned branch restarts.
CR 28250: FTP
          When you transfer a file with a file name that starts with a numeric
          value to the router, the router faults and receives orphan buffers.
CR 28589: BootP
          The router does not generate correct DHCP request after being
CR 32167: AppleTalk.
          AppleTalk may fault when the base record is bounced because of a
          race condition. This problems seems to occur on a HSSI/PPP line
CR 32277: IP.
          A RIP policy filter configured to generate routes may cause an
          excessive number of RIP2 frames to be generated during each periodic
CR 32595: Telnet.
          When you telnet from a Bay Networks router to another Bay Networks
          router, and then telnet to a UNIX workstation, the ESC key will not
CR 32752: FTP.
          During an ftp session, if you interrupt a dir command by entering
          Ctrl-C, an orphaned buffer fault may occur and the ftp session
CR 32826: BGP
          An aggregated route learned from a BGP peer will remain in the
          routing table after the route has been removed from the advertise
          list of the BGP announce policy of the peer. This happens when BGP
          Dynamic Policy change support is enabled.
CR 32840: IPX.
          In network configurations where a remote router uses Group Mode
          frame relay to connect to two different routers, network costing may
          be set so that one of the local routers connected to the remote
          routers Group Mode frame relay will not have an IPX host entry for
          the remote router. This causes all IPX pings from the remote router
          to fail. It also causes IPX pings to the remote frame
          relay interface to fail.
CR 33616: OSPF 
          Within an OSPF NBMA network, the neighbor adjacency between a DR
          eligible router (one that is not a DR or BDR) and an DR ineligible
          router continuously bounces between init and down states.
CR 34015: OSPF.
          When you set the Ospf Range Status parameter to "not advertise", a
          summary is advertised to the backbone area when it should be hidden.
CR 34272: Technician Interface.
          This is an enhancement request to increase the severity level of the
          message  "tf_validate: header size invalid, Object.,
          Instance 29.1.1" to WARNING to indicate that the filter no longer
          operates correctly.
CR 34416: PPP/Multilink.
          This is an enhancement request to change the fragmentation algorithm
          to require that frames larger than the configured fragment size be
CR 34738: DLSw.
          When you disable DLSw on a router, SDLC Link Stations remain up and
          continue to poll indefinitely.
CR 34868: Translation Bridge.
          When a source routing traffic filter is applied to a packet, the
          router drops the packet destined for the source routing interfaces,
          but does not drop the packet destined for learning bridge
CR 29517: IPX.
          If a router receives an IPX SAP packet on an interface with a
          network number that is different from the one for which the packet
          is destined, the packet is not dropped. 
CR 30870: ISDN.
          When you change a valid ISDN local telephone number in dynamic mode,
          the router terminates operation.
CR 31530: Router Discovery
          If you set the Min and Max Interval parameters to the same value, a
          zero divide bus error appears in the log
CR 33878: Technician Interface.
          You cannot use install.bat to install a new router using SMDS
          outside the US because the install.bat script adds the prefix "C1"
          for the configured individual address and "E1" for the group
          address. The "1" after C and E is the country code for US.
CR 34602: DLSw.
          A bus error may occur after you delete an X.25 circuit on a client
          router while two QLLC sessions are active. The bus error also
          terminates operation of the second circuit on the slot.
CR 34684: APPN.
          APPN over LANE does not work.When a router sends a test poll to a
          second router, the second router does not recognize the destination
          MAC address and does not forward the packet to APPN. The MAC
          override should not just change the ESI portion of the NSAP address,
          but should also change the actual hardware MAC address.
CR 30591: DLSw.
          There is no mechanism to display and monitor DLS and LLC2
          connections on a per slot and per interface basis.
          The following four MIB attributes were added:
          wfDlsSlotCurrentSessions - displays the number of DLS connections on
          the slot that are in a CONNECTED state.
          wfDlsSlotHiWaterSessions  - displays the maximum value reached by
          wfDlsSLotCurrentSessions since DLS was enabled, or since
          wfDlsSlotHiWaterReset was set to 2.
          wfLlcInterfaceCurrentLinks - displays the number of links on the LLC
          wfLlcInterfaceHiWaterLinks - displays the maximum value reached by
          wfLlcInterfaceCurrentLinks since the LLC base was enabled, or since
          wfLlcInterfaceHiWaterReset was set to 2.
CR 21299: APPN MIB Parameters.
          wfAppnNodePortMaxRcvBtuSize, wfAppnNodePortMaxSendBtuSize in
          wfAppnNodePortEntry and wfAppnNodeLsMaxSendBtuSize in
          wfAppnNodeLsEntry need to be changed from 2057 to 1500 to
          accommodate the 1600 MTU size of a WAN port.
CR 30189: IP Script.
          If you run the show ip command with the circuit name option and you
          enter a circuit name that contains lowercase letters, the message
          "No Circuits found" appears.
CR 35143: DLSw.
          If a NetBIOS client attempts to connect to an Ethernet LANE server
          or a Token Ring LANE server, the router terminates operation.
CR 35268: DLSw
          When the router receives a multicast SSP NETBIOS_NQ_ex, the ARE
          experiences several errors, including an exception vector 5 - VBM
CR 35447: IP.
          The router intermittently returns a "Fragmentation Needed but DF set
          - ICMP Destination Unreachable" message with an incorrect Next-Hop
          MTU at the end of the ICMP header (low-order 16 bits).
CR 35568: Switched Services.
          When you use a dial on demand asynchronous circuit, you can only
          establish a connection two times. The third time you try to connect,
          you cannot ping across the dial on demand line.
CR 32779: QLLC.
          After you reset the LLC base in a DLS/QLLC environment, you cannot
          reestablish a session between a PC3270 client and token ring host.
CR 34159: IP.
          A router faults with a "watchdog restart" when it receives an IP
          frame that contains a TTL set to 1,IP options of 00 (no options),
          and three bytes of padding to terminate the IP header.
CR 34359: IP.
          A memory leak in BGP is causing out-of-memory faults in IP.
CR 34264: DLSw.
          Using DLSw 1795 with DSLC PU type 2.0 attached devices. When one
          router sends a flow control reset to another router, the second
          router still sends one more frame. The first router receives the
          packet and issues a Halt-DL.
CR 20945: Token Ring
          This is an enhancement request to add a parameter that allows you to
          disable token ring single station mode so that a router port that is
          the only station on a ring will not transition to down. This causes
          problems when rebooting a PC that is the only other end station on
          the token ring. A new attribute, wfTokenRingSingleStatDis, was added
          to wfTokenRingEntry.
CR 32052: TCP
          TCP does not log who closed a connection; it only logs that
          a connection was closed. 
CR 34948: DLSw.
          The log message "SSP rcv command in TCP local, 14" should be changed
          to "NetBIOS DATAFRAME Rcv" to be more intuitive to the users reading
          the log.
CR 35502: APPN.
          When you activate an APPN link station, a fault occurs
          because a buffer is freed incorrectly.

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