================================================================================ Nortel Networks Updated: 10/13/2008 Enterprise Network Management System (NMS) Application DIT package README file for Business Element Manager v2.0 (A Version) running on Enterprise NMS Server and Client-Only. ================================================================================ DIT PACKAGE SUMMARY: ================================================================================ This document contains installation instructions, new feature information, and known restriction information for the Device Integration Toolkit (DIT) package for the Business Element Manager v2.0 software application. This application DIT allows for context-sensitive launching of the Business Element Manager application from within Enterprise NMS. Enterprise NMS version 10.5.2 or above is required for installing this DIT package. ================================================================================ DEVICES SUPPORTED: ================================================================================ The Business Element Manager application can be launched on the following devices: BCM 50 BCM 200/400 BCM 222/252 BSR 222/252 BCM 450 (new) ================================================================================ CHANGE HISTORY: ================================================================================ 10/13/2008 - Created "A" version DIT package. ================================================================================ Setting Environment Variable on Windows ================================================================================ Before installing this package you must first set the BEM_HOME environment variable so that Business Element Manager can be launched from NMS on Windows operating systems. BEM_HOME - the path where the Business Element Manager executable file (BEM.exe) is located. NOTE: Must set global enviroment variable BEM_HOME not from command prompt but from Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Enviroment Variables ================================================================================ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENMS CLIENT & SERVER VERSION: ================================================================================ The default location for any Device Integration Toolkit package is under: Unix ($OITHOME): /opt/enms/dit Windows XP/2003 Server (%OITHOME%): :\ENMS\DIT All installation commands are relative to the directory containing the extracted (un-tarred or un-zipped) DIT package. The following commands should be executed in that directory only. ---------------------------- Manual installation on UNIX: ---------------------------- To install the DIT package on an ENMS server workstations: 1. Log into Enterprise NMS workstation as root (su command). 2. Open a shell window and prepare your user environment with one of the following commands: source /opt/lnms/bin/opt_cshrc (for csh and tcsh) OR . /opt/lnms/bin/opt_kshrc (for sh or ksh) 3. Create a temporary directory for the DIT package. For example: mkdir /temp 4. Navigate to the directory you just created and download/copy DIT package to this location. Uncompress and untar the package using uncompress NMS_BEMApp_v200_A.tar.Z tar -xvf NMS_BEMApp_v200_A.tar 5. At the command prompt, type ./install ------------------------------- Manual installation on Windows: ------------------------------- To install the DIT package on an ENMS client or server workstations: 1. On your workstation, log in as administrator 2. Make a temporary directory for the DIT package under %OITHOME%. For example: mkdir %OITHOME%\temp 3. Download and copy the DIT package (a self-extracting archive) into this directory. 4. Execute the DIT package file so that all the files in the package are extracted. The files are extracted to the directory %OITHOME%\temp\NMS_BEMApp_v200_A 5. Open a command window. 6. Navigate to the directory that was created cd %OITHOME%\temp\NMS_BEMApp_v200_A 7. At the command prompt type install.bat The installation script runs and copies the DIT into the appropriate directory. Finally, the ditInstall utility is run to add BEM v2.0 launchpoint support into ENMS. --------------------------------------------------- Installing using DITAdmin Tool on Unix and Windows: --------------------------------------------------- 1. Run ditadmin tool, at the command prompt by typing: ditadmin 2. Select Tools->Install Component... menuitem. 3. In the Open dialog box, select the package and click on OK. 4. Another dialog box should come up showing the progress of the DIT install. Select OK once DIT install is completed. --------------------- Installation Results: --------------------- After successful installation an entry corresponding to BEM v2.0 will be displayed in the DITAdmin Tool main window. Simply type at the command prompt on Windows: ditadmin. ================================================================================ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENMS CLIENT ONLY VERSION: ================================================================================ All installation commands are relative to the directory containing the extracted (un-tarred or un-zipped) DIT package. The following commands should be executed in that directory only. ------------------------------- Manual installation on Windows: ------------------------------- To install the DIT package on an ENMS client-only workstations: 1. On your workstation, log in as administrator 2. Make a temporary directory for the DIT package 3. Download and copy the DIT package (a self-extracting archive) into this directory. 4. Execute the DIT package file so that all the files in the package are extracted. The files are extracted to the directory \temp\NMS_BEMApp_v200_A 5. Open a command window. 6. Navigate to the directory that was created cd \temp\NMS_BEMApp_v200_A 7. At the command prompt type install.bat The installation script runs and copies the BEM.bat file into the appropriate directory. --------------------- Installation Results: --------------------- After successful installation BEM v2.0 application can be launched from infocenter for the supported devices. NOTE: For proper use from client-only the BEM v2.0 DIT must be installed on both client-only workstation and server workstation. Also, the BEM v2.0 Application must be installed on client-only machine. ================================================================================ DIT PACKAGE CONTENTS: ================================================================================ NMS_BEMApp_v200_A.dit BEM.bat (Windows only) install install.bat (Windows only) ================================================================================ SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS: ================================================================================ Solaris 9 Solaris 10 HP-UX 11.11 Windows XP (Client-Only) Windows 2003 Server ================================================================================ KNOWN LIMITATIONS: ================================================================================ DIT packages for devices that this application supports (listed above under DEVICE SUPPORTED section) must be successfully installed before proceeding with installation for BEM v2.0 Application DIT. ================================================================================ (c) 2008 Nortel Networks Incorporated. All rights reserved. ================================================================================