Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This is the spec that defines the APIs provided by the tenant service to create a tenant and add the networks to the tenant, configure network parameters and configure switches with the tenant network's specific configurations.
This API helps to get all tenants configured with tenant service
object {"group_by":"name"} Responses grouped by name {"filter":[{"name":"name","value":"Tenant1"},{"name":"id',"value":"1"}] Responses searched by name="Tenant1" and id="1" {"fuzzy":"tenant"} Responses searched using fuzzy search "tenant" | |
object {"sort_by":"asc|desc"} Responses with id in ascending or descending order {"offset" : "lt:30"} Responses searched with id less than 30 {"page_size":20} Responses searched with limit of 20 entries | |
include | Array of strings Items Value: "utilization" include parameters that needs to be shown with output |
{- "paginationResponse": {
- "remaining_count": 0,
- "first_id": 0,
- "last_id": 0
}, - "tenant": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Tenant-A",
- "type": "shared | private",
- "description": "Tenant-A's Description",
- "enable-bd": true,
- "vlan-range": "10-20,50-60",
- "l2-vni-range": "1-100",
- "num-of-vrf": 20,
- "l3-vni-range": "4096-5000",
- "l2-vni-capacity": 100,
- "l3-vni-capacity": 100,
- "fabric-list": [
- "string"
], - "port-list": [
- {
- "mgmt-ip": "",
- "port": [
- {
- "int-type": "ethernet",
- "name": "0/1"
], - "mirror-destination-port-list": [
- {
- "mgmt-ip": "",
- "port": [
- {
- "int-type": "ethernet",
- "name": "0/1"
], - "port-channel-list": [
- "string"
], - "vrf-list": [
- "string"
], - "epg-list": [
- "string"
], - "bgp-peer-group-list": [
- "string"
], - "bgp-peer-list": [
- "string"
], - "mirror-session-list": [
- "string"
], - "tenant-utilization": {
- "port-list": [
- {
- "mgmt-ip": "",
- "port": [
- {
- "int-type": "ethernet",
- "name": "0/1"
], - "mirror-destination-port-list": [
- {
- "mgmt-ip": "",
- "port": [
- {
- "int-type": "ethernet",
- "name": "0/1"
], - "l2-vni-list": [
- 201,
- 202,
- 203
], - "l3-vni-list": [
- 101,
- 102,
- 103
This API helps to get the specified Tenant details
name required | string Name of the tenant to retrieve details |
include | Array of strings Items Value: "utilization" include parameters that needs to be shown with output |
{- "id": 1,
- "name": "Tenant-A",
- "type": "shared | private",
- "description": "Tenant-A's Description",
- "enable-bd": true,
- "vlan-range": "10-20,50-60",
- "l2-vni-range": "1-100",
- "num-of-vrf": 20,
- "l3-vni-range": "4096-5000",
- "l2-vni-capacity": 100,
- "l3-vni-capacity": 100,
- "fabric-list": [
- "string"
], - "port-list": [
- {
- "mgmt-ip": "",
- "port": [
- {
- "int-type": "ethernet",
- "name": "0/1"
], - "mirror-destination-port-list": [
- {
- "mgmt-ip": "",
- "port": [
- {
- "int-type": "ethernet",
- "name": "0/1"
], - "port-channel-list": [
- "string"
], - "vrf-list": [
- "string"
], - "epg-list": [
- "string"
], - "bgp-peer-group-list": [
- "string"
], - "bgp-peer-list": [
- "string"
], - "mirror-session-list": [