

If a Transit is in Link-Down state, and it receives a Health-Check-Pdu from the primary indicating the ring is complete, it means there is some problem with the transit switch that has issued this trap message.

Object ID

Trap    : extremeEapsLinkDownRingComplete
Objects : {  extremeEapsName, extremeEapsMode, extremeEapsPrevState, extremeEapsState, extremeEapsFailedFlag, extremeEapsPrimaryStatus, extremeEapsSecondaryStatus }
OID     : ""
object  : extremeEapsSecondaryStatus       type : EapsDomainPortStatus 
object  : extremeEapsPrimaryStatus         type : EapsDomainPortStatus 
object  : extremeEapsFailedFlag            type : TruthValue 
object  : extremeEapsState                 type : EapsDomainState 
object  : extremeEapsPrevState             type : EapsDomainState 
object  : extremeEapsMode                  type : EapsDomainMode 
object  : extremeEapsName                  type : DisplayString