Issue ID | Description |
CFD-11844 (02871771) | We resolved an issue where 802.1x authentication would reoccur on Eth0. |
CFD-12152 (02991956, 02994867, 02995713,02993534, 03007447, 03001635, 03053431) | We resolved an issue where PPSK user authentication failed with incorrect password logs, in 10.7r2 with 802.11r enabled. |
CFD-12418 (03007758) | We resolved an issue where, under certain conditions, the DCD Daemon was not running and causing errors on the AP5010. |
CFD-12492 (03004220, 03016826) | We resolved an issue where Fabric Attach configurations were being removed on reboot after save config in sCLI. |
CFD-12675 (02668167) | We resolved an issue where the CRC firmware check was failing. |
CFD-12722 (03022452) | We resolved an issue where users were not receiving credentials after registering for the Guest network through the Captive Web Portal. |
CFD-12747 (02928391) | We resolved an issue where one-way audio occurred on the AP5010. |
CFD-12756 (02998905, 03051701) | We resolved an issue where Wireshark could not parse gratuitous ARP from AP as an LLC frame. |
CFD-12869 (03036308) | We resolved an issue where the Logging flash was full of unnecessary logs, making it difficult to troubleshoot other issues. In releases earlier than 10.7.5, SNMP queries such as snmpwalk -c hivecommunity -v 1 . generated logs similar to ah_dcd: application: handle_ahUptime sec = 1333, msec = 490. |
CFD-12871 (03036165) | We resolved an issue where, under certain conditions, AP5020s would become unresponsive and performance would degrade. |
CFD-13093 (02928391) | We resolved an issue where Spectralink VoIP phones displayed an Insufficient Bandwidth message after a roam. |
HOS-21436, HOS-21437, HOS-21439, HOS-21440, HOS-21441 | We resolved various issues where the enhanced packet capture filters did not work. |
HOS-21840 | We resolved an issue where Wireless clients disconnected from the AP5020 when packet captures were run. |
HOS-21941 | We resolved an issue where packet captures were unexpectedly ending at 30 seconds on the AP5020. |