Addressed Issues in Release 10.7.5

Table 1. Addressed issues in 10.7.5
Issue IDDescription


We resolved an issue where 802.1x authentication would reoccur on Eth0.

(02991956, 02994867, 02995713,02993534, 03007447, 03001635, 03053431)

We resolved an issue where PPSK user authentication failed with incorrect password logs, in 10.7r2 with 802.11r enabled.


We resolved an issue where, under certain conditions, the DCD Daemon was not running and causing errors on the AP5010.

(03004220, 03016826)

We resolved an issue where Fabric Attach configurations were being removed on reboot after save config in sCLI.


We resolved an issue where the CRC firmware check was failing.


We resolved an issue where users were not receiving credentials after registering for the Guest network through the Captive Web Portal.


We resolved an issue where one-way audio occurred on the AP5010.

(02998905, 03051701)

We resolved an issue where Wireshark could not parse gratuitous ARP from AP as an LLC frame.


We resolved an issue where the Logging flash was full of unnecessary logs, making it difficult to troubleshoot other issues.

In releases earlier than 10.7.5, SNMP queries such as snmpwalk -c hivecommunity -v 1 . generated logs similar to ah_dcd: application: handle_ahUptime sec = 1333, msec = 490.



We resolved an issue where, under certain conditions, AP5020s would become unresponsive and performance would degrade.


We resolved an issue where Spectralink VoIP phones displayed an Insufficient Bandwidth message after a roam.
HOS-21436, HOS-21437, HOS-21439, HOS-21440, HOS-21441We resolved various issues where the enhanced packet capture filters did not work.
HOS-21840We resolved an issue where Wireless clients disconnected from the AP5020 when packet captures were run.
HOS-21941We resolved an issue where packet captures were unexpectedly ending at 30 seconds on the AP5020.