Smart RF Widgets Per Device

The following widget reports for each radio are available from the AP Smart RF tab. Select a radio band. Data is displayed for the selected radio band.


The Smart RF tools reflect data available per radio band for channels that are selected in the Channel Plan when Smart RF is enabled. For more information, see Channel and Power Settings.
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Device Smart RF Data
Device Smart RF data for selected radio band
  • Mitigation. Mitigation action taken by Smart RF to improve the network:
    • Channel Change — The channel of an AP radio was changed
    • Power Change — The power of an AP radio was changed
    • Select Shutdown — AP radio shutdown
    • Coverage Hole — AP reacts to holes in AP coverage
  • Channel Energy. Displays the amount of interference detected by each radio on each channel and indicates the source of the interference:
    • Neighbor Wi-Fi for APs
    • External Wi-Fi for non-neighbor sources of Wi-Fi interference
    • Non Wi-Fi Energy for interference that is not generated by a Wi-Fi signal
  • Channel Ranking. Provides a high level of visibility as to the occupancy of the RF spectrum around a particular AP. The following data is provided on the widget:
    • Frequency. Radio Frequency channels with the beacon channel (primary) denoted with brackets. The following is an 80MHz channel example showing [5220] as the beacon channel. 44: (5180 5200 [5220] 5240).
    • Noise. Channel noise measured in Decibel-milliwatts (dBm).
    • Ranking. Indicates the best operating channel based on a 5-star ranking. This ranking is relative to the channels that are available. The higher the rank the more desirable the channel. The ranking algorithm considers the following parameters:
      • noise level
      • overlap count
      • co-channel count
      • adjacent AP count
    • Overlap. Number of APs on overlapping channels. Applicable for 40MGz and 80MGz channels only. The 20MGz channel is designated as the primary and the other channels are designated as extension channels (secondary). If the primary channel of one AP is the same as the extension channel of another AP it is considered overlapping. Overlapping is the worst type of interference.
    • Co-Channel. Number of co-channel APs. APs on the same channel as the target AP are competing. Using Distributed Control Function (DCF) collisions are avoided because the APs know to avoid each other; however, the more traffic on the channel the greater the chance of collisions. Throughput slows but all packets get through.
    • Adjacent. Number of APs on adjacent channels. Adjacent APs are close enough to interfere, but not close enough to know they are interfering. They do not have the benefit of DCF.

    To display more details for a specific channel, select a row in the widget. The Channel Inspector Interference Report displays.

  • Neighbor List. Indicates channel occupancy and neighboring channels.
    • Neighbor APs are identified by both the SSID and BSSID.
    • The channel width for each neighbor AP is displayed, and it is an option to display the AP security setting.
    • APs that are managed by ExtremeCloud IQ Controller are reported separately from APs that are not managed by ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.
    • The Neighbor Report can be sorted by radio band — 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz respectively.