Configure Switch Device Credentials

Use device credentials to set up log in information for root or read-only administrators, change the name and password of the root admin, or add a read-only admin to a switch. Device-level credentials offer access to devices through Telnet, SSH, or console connections.


At this level, you are making changes to the selected switch only. These changes always override the network policy configurations. To revert to the settings in the network policy, from the Device List, select the switch host name, and use the Actions button.

A root admin has complete privileges, which include the ability to add, modify, and delete other administrators, and to reset the configuration. A read-only admin can view settings but cannot add, modify, or delete them. You can require that an admin be prompted for a password before accessing high-level privileged CLI commands. To configure a root admin with full capability, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Manage > Devices.
  2. Select a switch Host Name to see a details panel for that switch.
  3. Select the Configure tab.
  4. Under Configuration, select Device Credentials.
  5. For an Administrator Account, enter the Admin Name and Password.
    Passwords should contain at least 8 characters, including at least one number, one special character, and one uppercase character.
  6. For a Read Only Administrator, enter the Admin Name and Password.
    Passwords should contain at least 8 characters, including at least one number, one special character, and one uppercase character.
  7. Select Save Device Credentials.
  8. To update the device immediately, select Update.
  9. Select the type of update, and then select Save as Defaults to save this option as the default action.
  10. To update the device immediately, select Perform Update.