Client Tools (Wireless)

To access the tools, navigate to Manage > Clients > <existing unhealthy client> select the Client Tools menu and select one of the tools:

  • Troubleshoot Now
  • VLAN Probe
Click to expand in new window
Troubleshoot Now Tool
Troubleshoot Now tool, single connected device view
Troubleshoot Now tool, all devices view

Select the connected AP, or SHOW ALL DEVICES and select up to 10 APs, and then select START. The session appears in the TROUBLESHOOT SESSIONS table. See Connection Details Panel (Wireless).

Click to expand in new window
VLAN Probe
VLAN Probe tool

The VLAN Probe tool determines whether VLANs are operational on the wired network and reports the status, including the subnet of each VLAN.

Specify the VLAN or range, the number of Probe Retries, and the Timeout; then select Start.