View IP Multicast over Fabric Connect within the GRT information

About this task

Use the following options to display IP Multicast over Fabric Connect within the GRT information to confirm proper configuration.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. Display all IP Multicast over Fabric Connect route information:

    show isis spbm ip-multicast-route [all]

  3. Display detailed IP Multicast over Fabric Connect route information:

    show isis spbm ip-multicast-route [detail]

  4. Display the IP Multicast over Fabric Connect multicast group and source address information:

    show isis spbm ip-multicast-route [group {A.B.C.D}] [source {A.B.C.D}][source-beb WORD<0–255>]

  5. Display summary information for each S, G, V tuple with the corresponding scope, data I-SID, and the host name of the source:

    show isis spb-mcast-summary [count][host-name WORD<0–255>][lspid <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx-xx>]