The layer 3 VSN functionality within the Multi-area SPB network is same as the layer 3 VSN functionality in the flat SPB network. In the Multi-area SPB network, for the layer 3 services to pass the area boundary, you must explicitly configure them on the boundary nodes. Inter-VRF routes on the boundary node will not be redistributed across area boundaries. You can configure redistribution unidirectionally on the boundary nodes. You can also apply different policies from home to remote and remote to home.
The configuration guidelines for the layer 3 Multi-area SPB redistribution are:
To redistribute inter-area routes in GRT, configure IPSC on the boundary nodes.
To redistribute inter-area routes in a specific VRF, configure IPSC and layer 3 VSN for that VRF.
The system does not redistribute inter-vrf routes on the boundary nodes across the area boundaries.
For information about configuring layer 3 unicast redistribution, see: