Alarms Management

You can access the Alarms Management page by clicking in the left main menu of ExtremeCloud SD-WAN or in the Alarms widget on the Dashboard.

Time Range Selector and Timeline

These display parameters are visible at the top of all Alarms windows and apply to the displayed data.

1 Select a Time Range period by selecting it from the list : Last Day (default), Last Week, Last Month, Custom.
2 According to the chosen time range, the Time Span selectors listed below are displayed at the right side of the Time Range Selector. Use these selectors to modify the time span of the displayed data:

1hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 90 days

You can customize the time span by defining the date and time manually.

3 A Timeline evolution graph, showing curves for Raised, Active and Cleared alarms, corresponds to the chosen Time Range. Position you cursor over any point of the evolution curves to view the number of alarms at a specific time.
You may display or hide the evolution curve of each type of alarm separately by clicking the category label in the graph legend.
You can either show or hide the timeline.
Zoom in on the time series graph by positioning your cursor on a specific section of the graph and dragging to the right. The result graph displays more points at a lower display rate. You can continue zooming in until you reach the necessary detailed report. Click to return to the default time settings of the curves.
4 Click to reset Alarms windows to their default time settings (Last Day, 24 hours).

Alarm Dashboards

The Alarms Management page contains two tabs to display Active and Cleared Alarms dashboards.

It also enables you to configure alarm notifications rules.