The boundary clock node is configured to synchronize with the grandmaster node.
The grandmaster clock‘s IP address is added as “unicast-master” in the boundary clock node. The ptp_gm VLAN‘s configuration depends on the grandmaster for properties such as tag, or IP.
For boundary clocks, the End-to-End Transparent clock configuration must be applied on the egress ports through with the grandmaster and the ordinary clocks are reachable.enable loopback-mode lpbk-gm enable ipforwarding lpbk-gm enable loopback-mode lpbk-slaves enable ipforwarding lpbk-slaves create vlan ptp_gm configure vlan ptp_gm tag 40 configure vlan ptp_gm add port 1 untagged configure vlan ptp_slave ipaddress enable ipforwarding ptp_gm create vlan ptp_slaves configure vlan ptp_slaves tag 100 configure vlan ptp_slaves add port 4 tagged configure vlan ptp_slaves ipaddress enable ipforwarding ptp_slaves create network-clock ptp end-to-end-transparent configure network-clock ptp end-to-end-transparent add port 1,4 one-step create network-clock ptp boundary enable network-clock ptp boundary configure network-clock ptp boundary add vlan lpbk-gm one-step slave-only configure network-clock ptp boundary add unicast-master lpbk-gm configure network-clock ptp boundary add vlan lpbk-slaves one-step master-only configure network-clock ptp boundary add unicast-slave lpbk-slaves configure network-clock ptp boundary add unicast-slave lpbk-slaves