
Deploy Universal Compute Platform in ExtremeCloud Edge - Self-Orchestraton (standalone mode) with a set of Universal Container applications.

This deployment scenario includes the following application requirements for a stand-alone configuration:
  • The use of the Virtual IP Address (VIP) is optional, but it provides a convenient way to expose services, from an instance of the UI (port 443) externally. Assign a VIP to each instance of an engine.
  • Pod Network configuration settings — Pods are a group of managed containers that share networking and storage resources from the same node (appliance). Each pod is assigned an IP address. All the containers in the pod share the same storage, IP address, and network namespace.
    • Pod Network IP Address and CIDR
    • Service Network IP Address and CIDR


      CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) is a method for allocating IP addresses and for IP routing.


An Inter-Cluster Connection (ICC) is not required in a ExtremeCloud Edge - Self-Orchestration (standalone) deployment.