Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
High Availability-CPU (HA-CPU) for a standalone switch |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7400 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 4.5 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Applicable |
High Availability-CPU (HA-CPU) for Layer 2 with Simplified vIST |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7400 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.3 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Applicable |
High Availability-CPU (HA-CPU) for Layer 3 with Simplified vIST |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7400 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.3 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Applicable |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IEEE 802.3X Pause frame transmit |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 6.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 6.0 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 6.0 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 6.0 |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.1.50 |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) |
VSP 4450 Series |
VSP 4000 4.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VSP 8200 4.0 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 4.5 |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
ICMP broadcast and multicast enable or disable |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 5.1 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 5.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 5.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 5.1 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 4.5 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Fragmented ICMP Packet Filtering for IPv4 |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not supported |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
Fragmented ICMP Packet Filtering for IPv6 |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 8.5 |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), including virtualization |
VSP 4450 Series |
VSP 4000 4.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VSP 8200 4.0.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 4.5 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) v2 Note:
VOSS Releases 6.0 and 6.0.1 do not support this feature. |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 5.1.2 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 5.1.2 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 5.1.2 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 5.1.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 8.0 demonstration feature |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
Internet Protocol Flow Information eXport (IPFIX) |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
IPFIX — using Segmented Management Instance VLAN as source IP |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.8 |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
IPFIX — using Segmented Management Instance CLIP (GRT and VRF) as source IP |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.8 |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
Inter-VSN routing (IPv4) |
VSP 4450 Series |
VSP 4000 4.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VSP 8200 4.0 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.1 |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
Inter-VSN routing (IPv6) |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 4.1 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 4.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 8.0 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IOC Module Preconfiguration |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7400 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 8.0 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Applicable |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IP Phone Support |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 8.3 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.3 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 8.3 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.3 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 8.3 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 8.3 |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IP Multicast over Fabric Connect |
VSP 4450 Series |
VSP 4000 4.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 4.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.2 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
IP Multicast config-lite for Fabric Connect |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 8.8 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.8 | |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 8.8 | |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.8 | |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 8.8 | |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 8.8 | |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not supported | |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported | |
IP SPB Multicast Policy |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 8.8 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.8 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 8.8 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.8 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 8.8 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 8.8 |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Universal Plug and Play (uPnP) Filtering |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 8.3 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.3 | |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 8.3 | |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.3 | |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 8.3 | |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 8.3 | |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IP route policies |
VSP 4450 Series |
VSP 4000 4.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VSP 8200 4.0 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 4.5 |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IP Shortcut routing including ECMP |
VSP 4450 Series |
VSP 4000 4.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VSP 8200 4.0 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.1 |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
IPv6 Shortcut routing |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 4.1 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 4.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 8.0 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
IPv4 IS-IS accept policies |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 4.1 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 4.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.1 |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
IPv6 IS-IS accept policies |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 8.0 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IP Source Guard (IPv4) |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
IP Source Guard (IPv6) |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IP Source Routing enable or disable |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 5.1 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 5.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 5.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 5.1 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 4.5 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
Release deprecated |
IPsec NAT-T |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7400 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.1.50 |
Not Applicable |
IPsec transport mode |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
Not Applicable |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
IPsec tunnel mode |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7400 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
Not Applicable |
IPsec for the Out-of-band management port (IPv4) |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.2 |
Not Applicable |
XA1400 Series |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
IPsec for the Out-of-band management port (IPv6) |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 6.0 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 6.0 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 6.0 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 6.0 |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.2 |
Not Applicable |
XA1400 Series |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Digital Certificates for IPsec Authentication |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.3 VSP4900-12MXU-12XE and VSP4900-24XE for Fabric Extend over IPsec |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.3 for Fabric Extend over IPsec |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
Not Applicable |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.3 for Fabric Extend over IPsec |
Not Applicable |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnels |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 4.1 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 4.2.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 4.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 4.2 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.2 |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IPv6 Router Advertisement (RA) Guard |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 5.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 5.0 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 5.0 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 5.0 |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
ExtremeCloud IQ Agent |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not supported |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.2
VOSS 8.2.5
VSP 7200 Series |
Not supported |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.2 |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not supported |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not supported |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not supported |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.2 |
Unified Metrics and Events Reporting |
VSP 4450 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 4900 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 7200 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 7400 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 8200 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 8400 Series |
Not Supported |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |
Feature |
Product |
Release introduced |
IS-IS authentication with SHA-256 |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 7.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 7.0 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 7.0 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 7.0 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.1 |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
Suspend duplicate system ID detection |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 6.1 |
VSP 8600 Series |
VSP 8600 6.1 |
XA1400 Series |
VOSS 8.0.50 |
Multiple IS-IS parallel adjacencies |
VSP 4450 Series |
VOSS 7.0 |
VSP 4900 Series |
VOSS 8.1 |
VSP 7200 Series |
VOSS 7.0 |
VSP 7400 Series |
VOSS 8.0 |
VSP 8200 Series |
VOSS 7.0 |
VSP 8400 Series |
VOSS 7.0 |
VSP 8600 Series |
Not Supported |
XA1400 Series |
Not Supported |