Details about various WiNG 7 user
roles, settings, and preferences.
User Roles
WiNG operating system supports the following admin roles. Each admin user can be
mapped to one of the roles mentioned in this section. Multiple admin roles can have
access to an object.
admin - superuser
A superuser has complete
access to all configuration aspects of the connected device, including halt
and delete setup configuration.
provisioning admin
Add,delete, or modify device
configuration excluding self device and its cluster peers.
Troubleshoot tasks like clear
statistics, reboot, create, and copy tech support dumps.
Read-only access to the
system. Can view parts of configuration and statistics except for sensitive
or protected information. Cannot view running-config.
Upgrade image, change boot
partition, set time, and manage admin access.
web user - admin
Allows the front desk to
create guest users and printout a voucher with their credentials. The
webuser-admin can access only the custom GUI screen and does not have access
to the WiNG CLI and GUI and cannot view running-config.
Per User Preferences
Set user preferences from the admin menu. To access your user preference, select
admin > Settings. The system displays the list of per user preferences.
From the User
Preferences window, you can select pagination,
Auto-refresh interval
(in-seconds), and Logs line count.
Number of entries per
page in the grid.
interval (in-seconds)
Time for the device to
refresh automatically. The minimum time is 5 seconds and the maximum
time is 1 hour.
Logs line count
Number of lines displayed in diagnostic logs.
To change pagination date,
type the number of entries in the pagination field or use the numeric up and
down arrows to modify the number of entries.
To change the auto-refresh
interval time, type the number of seconds in the auto-refresh field or use
the numeric up and down arrow to adjust the time.
To change logs line count, type of number of line you want to see displayed
in the diagnostic logs screen or use the numeric up and down arrow to adjust
the logs line count.
Select Apply to
commit to the user preferences settings.
Select Save to
commit and save your user preferences settings.
If you select only Apply, your settings will not
be saved.
Remote Servers Settings
You can set your file transfer protocol (FTP), secure file transfer protocol (SFTP),
and trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) settings on the remote server settings
menu. You can add up to 4 servers with username and password, with an option to
validate the server connection. You can only set one server as the default
The tech support
file is stored in the location selected in the remote server
Protocol settings for your network. You can select between FTP, SFTP,
and TFTP
Server address.
Port number assigned by default based on the protocol selected.
Login credential required to access the protocol on the remote
Security credential required to access the protocol on the remote
Access and configure the remote server settings from the admin menu.
Select admin > Settings. The system displays the remote servers settings.
Select Add to add a
new remote server protocol and configure protocol settings. The system
displays a new field for protocol settings.
Select FTP,
SFTP, or TFTP from the
protocol drop-down.
The port number is automatically assigned based on
your protocol selection,
Type the host name or the IP address in the
Hostname/IP field.
Assign username and password.
Select validate
connectivity from action.
The system displays a connection
validated successfully message.
Select Apply to commit to the remote server
Select Save to commit and save your remote server
Select protocol to assign a
remote server setting for your network.
Select Save.
To delete a remote server protocol, select the from the action menu, and select Save.
protocol is deleted and remote server protocol selection is