Adding Editing NAT Pool Configuration

  1. Click + Add Row, in the IP Address Range table to append additional rows.

    Click Edit to modify or override the attributes of a existing policy, or click Delete to remove obsolete NAT policies from the list of those available to a profile.

    Click to expand in new window
    Profile Security - NAT Pool tab - NAT Pool field
  2. If you are adding a new NAT policy, provide a Name to help distinguish it from others with similar configurations. The length cannot exceed 64 characters.
  3. Click + Add Row, in the IP Address Range table to append additional rows.

    Sart IP - End IP

    Define a range of IP addresses that are hidden from the public internet. NAT modifies network address information in the defined IP range while in transit across a traffic routing device. NAT only provides IP address translation and does not provide a firewall. A branch deployment with NAT by itself will not block traffic from potentially being routed through a NAT device. Consequently, NAT should be deployed with a stateful firewall.

  4. Click OK to save the changes made to the profile's NAT pool configuration.
    Click Reset to revert to the last saved configuration.