
  • Read all installation instructions and site survey reports, and verify correct equipment installation before connecting the Access Point to its power source.
  • Remove jewelry and watches before installing this equipment.
  • Verify the unit is grounded before connecting it to the power source.
  • Verify any device connected to this unit is properly wired and grounded.
  • Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical circuit. Verify the electrical circuits have appropriate overload protection.
  • Attach only approved power cords to the device.
  • Verify the power connector and socket are accessible at all times during the operation of the equipment.
  • Do not hold any component containing a radio such that it is very close to or touching any exposed parts of the body, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting.
  • Do not work with power circuits in dimly lit spaces.
  • Do not install this equipment or work with its power circuits during thunderstorms or other weather conditions that could cause a power surge.
  • Verify there is adequate ventilation around the device, and that ambient temperatures meet equipment operation specifications.
  • Avoid contact with overhead power lines.
  • Take precautions to avoid injury from falling tools and equipment. Crews should wear hard hats in and around the installation work site.
  • Be aware of vehicular traffic in and around the installation work site.
  • Do not operate a portable transmitter near unshielded blasting caps or in an environment where explosives are present unless the transmitter is especially certified for such use.
  • Refer to your site survey and network analysis reports to determine specific requirements for each deployment.
  • Assign installation responsibility to the appropriate personnel.
  • Identify and document where all installed components are located.
  • Identify and prepare Ethernet and console port connections.
  • Verify cable lengths are within the maximum allowable distances for optimal signal transmission.


The maximum length allowed for PoE cables is 100 meters.