
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input PortTemplateConfigInput {
  • spanGuard: Boolean
  • autoNegotiation: Boolean
  • fabricEnable: PortTemplateFabricTypeInput
  • # Used to define the scope of this Port Template. Global (-3) is used for Fabric
  • # Connect services. Local (-1) is used by the site.
  • sourceId: Long
  • # Unique identifier for this Port Template. User created templates must use
  • # values greater than 100000.
  • id: Int
  • # Used for selecting one of the system provided port template types. Either a
  • # customTemplateType or templateType is required
  • templateType: PortTemplateTypesInput
  • sitePath: String
  • portMvrp: Boolean
  • pvid: Int
  • authMac: Boolean
  • fabricAuthType: PortTemplateFabricAuthTypeInput
  • fabricAuthKey: String
  • untagged: [Int]
  • nodeAlias: Boolean
  • vlanTrunk: Boolean
  • fabricDropStpBpdu: Boolean
  • tagged: [Int]
  • policy: String
  • loopProtect: Boolean
  • # Used for setting a custom port template type name. Either a customTemplateType
  • # or templateType is required.
  • customTemplateType: String
  • auth1x: Boolean
  • }