
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input PolicyRuleMutationDataInput {
  • # Rule status (Enabled/Disabled). Disabled rules are not written when domain is
  • # enforced to devices.
  • enabled: Boolean
  • # Access Control (VLAN) action. -1=None, 0=Deny, 4095=Permit, VLAN ID [1-4094], or
  • # PVI VLAN name. Containment/PVI VLAN must exist in domain or error is returned.
  • vlan: String
  • # System log action (Enabled/Disabled/Prohibited)
  • syslog: TristateActionInput
  • # Port mirror action. Set to Enabled/Disabled/Prohibited. If setting Enabled, port
  • # groups must be specified by mirrorPortGroups
  • mirrorStatus: String
  • # Port mirror action. Pass one or more port group names to enable mirror using
  • # ports in specified groups. Replaces existing port groups. Disable using
  • # mirrorStatus. Port groups must exist in domain or error is returned.
  • mirrorPortGroups: [String]
  • # HTTP Redirect action. -1 = Disabled, 0 = Prohibited, 1+ = Redirect Index to
  • # associate to URLs defined by domain HttpRedirect data.
  • httpRedirectIndex: Int
  • # Default: All Devices. If set to type other than All Devices, will only be
  • # enforced to devices of the specified type.
  • type: RuleTypeEnumInput
  • # Name of rule
  • name: String
  • # TCI Overwrite status (Enabled/Disabled/Prohibited)
  • tci: TristateActionInput
  • # Disable port action (Enabled/Disabled/Prohibited)
  • disablePort: TristateActionInput
  • # MirrorN status (Enabled/Disabled). Applicable when mirror status is enabled.
  • # Specifies whether mirror action should send all packets, or first N packets of a
  • # flow. N value is domain level scalar set by mutateDomainSetting:mirrorNLimit
  • mirrorFirstN: Boolean
  • # Quarantine role action (Disabled/Prohibited/Name of role). If role name
  • # specified does not exist, error is returned.
  • quarantineRole: String
  • # Traffic description
  • trafDesc: PolicyRuleTrafDescMutationDataInput
  • # Audit trap action (Enabled/Disabled/Prohibited)
  • trap: TristateActionInput
  • # Class of Service action. Pass "NO_COS" to clear the action. Class of service
  • # must be defined in domain or error is returned.
  • cos: String
  • # Description of rule
  • description: String
  • }