link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum DomainMutationTypeInput {
- }
link Require by
- NetworkResourceMutationConfigInputNetwork resource modification payload containing identifier specifying what resource to change, and mutation data specifying what fields to change.
- NetworkResourceTopologyMutationConfigInputNetwork resource topology modification payload containing identifier specifying what topology to change, and mutation data specifying what fields to change.
- PviIslandMutationConfigInputPVI Island modification payload containing identifier specifying what island change, and mutation data specifying what fields in the object to change.
- PviNsiMutationConfigInputPVI Service ID modification payload containing identifier specifying what Service ID change, and mutation data specifying what fields in the object to change.
- PviVlanMutationConfigInputPVI VLAN modification payload containing identifier specifying what VLAN change, and mutation data specifying what fields in the object to change.
- RoleMutationConfigInputRole modification payload containing identifier specifying what role to change, and mutation data specifying what fields in the role to change.
- RuleMutationConfigInputRule modification payload containing identifier specifying what rule to change, and mutation data specifying what fields in the rule to change.
- ServiceGroupMutationConfigInputService group modification payload containing identifier specifying what group to change, and mutation data specifying what fields in the group to change.
- ServiceMutationConfigInputService modification payload containing identifier specifying what service to change, and mutation data specifying what fields in the service to change.
- TrafDescMutationConfigInputTraffic desc modification payload containing identifier specifying what rule to change, and mutation data containing traffic desc values.
- VlanMutationConfigInputVLAN modification payload containing identifier specifying what VLAN change, and mutation data specifying what fields in the object to change.