Purchase CoPilot Licenses

Contact Extreme Networks, or your Extreme Networks Partner Sales Representative, or use the following procedure to obtain CoPilot licenses.

Use this procedure any time that you want to purchase more licenses.



When you add new licenses to your linked Extreme Portal account, ExtremeCloud IQ automatically assigns the licenses to eligible devices and ends the trial period.

If the 90-day trial of ExtremeCloud IQ is active, linking your Extreme Portal account ends the trial.

  1. Go to Global Settings > License Management.
  2. Select Contact Sales.
  3. On the Ready to buy? dialog, select Yes.
    Click to expand in new window
    Ready to buy?
  4. Use the following part numbers to order ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot licenses:
    Table 1. Part Numbers
    Part Number Description
    XIQ-COPILOT-S-C-PWP ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot SaaS Subscription PartnerWorks Plus SaaS Support for one device for one year
    XIQ-COPILOT-S-C-EW ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot SaaS Subscription ExtremeWorks SaaS Support for one device for one year