Configure a DNS Server

The Domain Name System (DNS) translates human-friendly domain names into IP addresses. You can supply external DNS server IP addresses or use routers to provide proxy DNS services for every local network under their control. The DNS service transparently proxies DNS requests and responses to and from internal or external DNS servers. Perform the following steps to configure a DNS server.


Limit the number of DNS servers in your configuration to less than 8.Switch Engine devices can have only 8 DNS servers configured across both VR-Default and VR-Mgmt. Each defined DNS server adds an entry for both VR-Default and VR-Mgmt (a maximum of 4 configured servers in ExtremeCloud IQ fills all 8 slots). The switch can have also pulled DNS Server configuration via DHCP, creating further limitations. If a configuration push tries to configure a 9th DNS server, a Device Update Failed error occurs.
  1. Choose to use an existing DNS Server Setting, or proceed to the next step.
  2. Enter a name for the server.
  3. Enter an optional Domain Name and Description.
  4. Select an existing IP address for the device to configure as a DNS server.
    If you do not see the IP address or host name that you need, use the add icon. You can add up to three servers. The first entry becomes the primary server. The secondary entry becomes the secondary server, and so forth. Change their order with the Order arrows.
  5. To apply DNS servers to devices via classification, select an existing classification rule or select the add icon to add a new rule.
    To add a new rule, see Configure a Classification Rule.
  6. Select Save DNS Server.
  7. If you are ready to deploy the network policy, select Next or continue to the next Management server.