Upgrade SLX-OS, TPVM, and EFA Together

Take the following steps to upgrade an SLX device to the latest supported version of SLX-OS with the latest supported version of TPVM.


  1. If the system is running a version of EFA earlier than 2.3.0, upgrade EFA to version 2.3.0.
  2. Back up EFA.
    For more information, see "Back up and Restore the EFA System" in the Extreme Fabric Automation Administration Guide, 2.3.0 .
  3. Copy the backup file to a remote location, such as the /efaboot of the SLX device or SCP on TPVM.


    The TPVM backup process backs up the database only and not the application.
  4. Upgrade the firmware on the SLX device.
    For more information, see "Device Image Management" in the Extreme Fabric Automation Administration Guide, 2.3.0 .
  5. Stop the TPVM application.
    device# tpvm stop
  6. Uninstall the TPVM application.
    device# tpvm uninstall
  7. From the device, remove the old TPVM image from the /tftpboot/SWBD2900/* directory.
    This step requires admin access.
  8. Copy the new TPVM build to the same location as in step 7.
  9. Deploy TPVM with DHCP or static IP addresses.
  10. Configure NTP on TPVM.
    device# tpvm config ntp add server <ip addr>
  11. Ensure that the EFA 2.3.0 build is available in /efaboot on the SLX device.
  12. If EFA is deployed on multiple nodes, repeat steps 5 through 10 on the other nodes in the cluster.
  13. Deploy EFA 2.3.0.
  14. Verify the deployment.
    1. On the SLX device, run the show efa status command to see details of the installation and the state of services.
    2. From the EFA command line, run the efactl status command to see the status of nodes, pods, and services.