Configure IP Fabric

About this task

For more information about EFA configuration, see Extreme Fabric Automation Administration Guide, 2.3.0 . For more information about EFA Commands and parameters, see Extreme Fabric Automation Command Reference, 2.3.0 .


  1. Log in to EFA.
  2. Add devices to the fabric.
    # efa fabric device add-bulk --name --ip device-ip --leaf --border-leaf <hostname> --three-stage-pod --five-stage-pod --spine --super-spine --username --password --rack
  3. Configure the fabric.
    # efa fabric configure --name default
  4. Create the tenant.
    # efa tenant create --name --description --type < private | shared > --l2-vni-range --13-vni-range --vlan-range --vrf-count --enable-bd --port
  5. Update the tenant.
    # efa tenant update --name tenant-name --description tenant-description --l2-vni-range --l3-vni-range --vlan-range --vrf-count --enable-bd --operation desc-update < vni-update | port-add | port-delete | vlan-add | vlan-delete | vlan-update | num-vrf-update | enable-bd-update > --port--force