efa inventory device list

Lists all devices known to the inventory.


efa inventory device list [ --orphan | --fabric name | --role leaf | border-leaf | spine | super-spine | --ips device-ips ]


Fetches all devices that are not associated to a fabric.
--fabric name
Specifies fabric name. If this modifier is used, the command shows only those devices in the specified fabric.
--role leaf | border-leaf | spine | super-spine
Specifies device role.
--ips device-ips
Specifies comma separated device IPs.


(efa:ubuntu)ubuntu@efa:~/efa$ efa inventory device list 
|  IP Address   | Host Name | Model | Chassis Name |           Firmware            |    ASN     | Role | Fabric  |    LastDiscoveryTime    | Cert/Key Saved | Admin State | Maintenance Mode | Syslog Registered | SNMP Registered |
| | SLX       | 4000  | BR-SLX9540   | 20.2.2slxos20.2.2_200914_1800 | 4200000000 | Leaf | fabric1 | 2021-07-12 12:08:21 EDT | Y              | up          | Disable          | Y                 | Y               |
| | SLX       | 4000  | BR-SLX9540   | 20.2.2slxos20.2.2_200914_1800 | 4200000000 | Leaf | fabric1 | 2021-07-12 12:08:35 EDT | Y              | up          | Disable          | Y                 | Y               |              
Device Details
--- Time Elapsed: 50.054451ms ---
(efa:ubuntu)ubuntu@efa:~/efa$ efa inventory device register --ip 
--username=admin --password=password

| ID |  IP Address   | Host Name | Model | Chassis Name |           Firmware            | Status  | Reason |
| 5  | | SLX       | 4000  | BR-SLX9540   | 20.2.2slxos20.2.2_200914_1800 | Success |        |
Device Details
--- Time Elapsed: 1m3.894741089s ---
(efa:ubuntu)ubuntu@efa:~/efa$ efa inventory device list
|  IP Address   | Host Name | Model | Chassis Name |           Firmware            |    ASN     | Role | Fabric  |    LastDiscoveryTime    | Cert/Key Saved | Admin State | Maintenance Mode | Syslog Registered | SNMP Registered |
| | SLX       | 4000  | BR-SLX9540   | 20.2.2slxos20.2.2_200914_1800 | 4200000000 | Leaf | fabric1 | 2021-07-12 12:08:21 EDT | Y              | up          | Disable          | Y                 | Y               |
| | SLX       | 4000  | BR-SLX9540   | 20.2.2slxos20.2.2_200914_1800 | 4200000000 | Leaf | fabric1 | 2021-07-12 12:08:35 EDT | Y              | up          | Disable          | Y                 | Y               |
| | SLX       | 4000  | BR-SLX9540   | 20.2.2slxos20.2.2_200914_1800 |            |      |         | 2021-07-12 13:16:20 EDT | Y              | up          | Disable          | Y                 | Y               |
Device Details
--- Time Elapsed: 55.690394ms ---