efa inventory device setting show

Displays device settings.


efa inventory device setting show [ --ip device-ip ]


--ip device-ip
Specifies IP address of the device.


This example shows the current inventory settings for the specified device.
efa inventory device setting show –-ip 

|              NAME              | VALUE | 
| Maintenance Mode Enable On     | No    | 
| Reboot                         |       | 
| Maintenance Mode Enable        | No    | 
| Maintenance Convergence Time   | 100s  | 
| MCT Bring-up Delay             | 200s  | 
| Health Check Enabled           | No    | 
| Health Check Interval          | 6m    | 
| Health Check Heartbeat Miss    | 2     | 
| Threshold                      |       | 
| Periodic Backup Enabled        | Yes   | 
| Config Backup Interval         | 24h   | 
| Config Backup Count            | 4     | 