Deploy EFA with Rollback

Before you begin

The EFA tar must be available on the /efaboot partition of the SLX device. You need root access to the device.


  1. Deploy EFA with rollback on an SLX TPVM in a single-node deployment without slx-peer parameters.
    efa deploy --nographics with-rollback
  2. Deploy EFA with rollback on an SLX TPVM in a multi-node deployment with slx-peer parameters.
    efa deploy nographics with-rollback slx-peer-ip slx-peer-user admin slxpeer-
    password pass
  3. Deploy EFA with rollback on an SLX TPVM in a single-node deployment.
    efa deploy non-interactive with-rollback single-node package /efaboot/efa-2.7.2-tar.gz ...
  4. Deploy EFA with rollback on an SLX TPVM in a multi-node deployment.
    efa deploy non-interactive with-rollback slx-peer-ip slx-peer-user admin slx-peer-password pass  multi-node package /efaboot/efa-2.7.2-tar.gz ...