uninstall image

uninstall image fname partition {msm slotid} {reboot}

On a SummitStack, use:

uninstall image fname partition {slot slot number } {reboot}


Uninstalls an ExtremeXOS software package.

Syntax Description

fname Specifies the software package to uninstall.
partition Specifies which partition the package was installed to: primary or secondary. Select primary to remove it from the primary partition and secondary to remove it from the secondary partition.

On a SummitStack, the slot number specifies the node on which the BootROM image should be uninstalled.

reboot Reboots the switch after the package is uninstalled.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to uninstall a software package previously installed on the switch.

When you uninstall a software package, the switch prompts you to save your changes to your currently active configuration file:

 Uninstallation of the EXOS module Do you want to save configuration changes to primary.cfg? (y or n) 

Enter y to save the changes to your configuration file. Enter n to not save the changes to your configuration file.

Local Filename Character Restrictions

This section provides information about the characters supported by the switch for local and remote filenames.

When specifying a local filename, the switch permits only the following characters:

When naming a local file, remember the requirements previously described.

SummitStack Only

You can issue this command only from a Master node.


uninstall image *switch-ntp.xmod secondary


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

The slot parameter was added to support SummitStack in ExtremeXOS 12.0.

Platform Availability